Kathryn Richardson,校长

Kathryn Richardson,校长

Ms. Kathryn Richardson, Master of Wellington College Hangzhou, has been in Education for 21 years. She taught in London schools where she quickly progressed into leadership positions. In September 2014, Kathryn moved to Dubai as a Deputy Headteacher in a British curriculum international school, and in 2016, she was promoted to the Head of Primary at their newly opened sister school. Kathryn has a bachelor’s degree in Education, specialising in maths and science. In addition to this, she has a master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Management and is a qualified facilitator for the National Qualifications of Middle and Senior Leadership. Kathryn has a passion for school improvement and strongly believes in making sure every child reaches their true potential. Kathryn has redesigned school curriculums so that they are creative, personalised to each individual pupil, and provide challenge for all. In her spare time, Kathryn enjoys travelling, reading and spending time with her family.
Matthew Coleman,小学部校长

Matthew Coleman,小学部校长

Stewart Brown,中学部校长

Stewart Brown,中学部校长

Mr. Brown热爱教育,对所有人都有着很高的期待,坚定不移地追求卓越。他来自英国,取得帝国理工学院的生物科学管理理科学士学位和诺丁汉大学的策略与管理硕士学位。 2003年,Mr. Brown以“伦敦教学优先”项目的创始年领头人身份开启自己的教学生涯。他曾担任旗舰城市学院担任科学组组长,在伦敦东南部的充满挑战但令人振奋的多所学校担任生物和化学老师。2007年,Mr. Brown离开英国,来到中国香港,在一所大型国际集团的顶尖学校担任科学组长。2011年,他前往另一所学校,帮助该校从初始阶段成长为世界上成就最高的英国国际学校。 Mr. Brown是一名出色的教师,有着成功的领导经验。他致力于构建快乐而互相协作的团队,有着极富感染力的学习热情。他在教育领域有着丰富的阅历,曾担任过考官、导师、项目组长、顾问和一家全国范围内协作网络的创始人,这些职位都旨在提高教育水准和表现。为表彰他在教育行业的奉献和积极影响,Mr. Brown被授予皇家教师学院会员。这是英国教师的最高职业荣誉。 Mr. Brown认为,身为一名管理人员,其职责是将学术日程置于优先位置,构建出色的国际教育。他相信,只有在世界领先的全方位幸福关怀体系的全力支持下,在聚焦积极教育、赋予学生掌握自身幸福的环境中,学术日程才能得到一一实现。Mr. Brown还是一名业余演员、合唱团歌手、前橄榄球队队员、潜水爱好者,高度重视为学生打造全方面的运动、艺术和思考的机会,希望去培养全面发展的人才。他非常期待来到美丽的杭城,成为惠灵顿大家庭的一员。




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