
IGCSE成绩回顾 | 惠灵顿杭州校区学子远超全球平均水平

发布者:杭州惠立学校 2024-01-29 08:26:16



值得一提的是,全球仅有排名前5%的考试者可以在本次考试中获得 A*,而惠灵顿杭州校区学子的整体A*率则高达40.6%,A*/A率达到了64.8%。 





除此之外,惠灵顿杭州校区学子还在戏剧,中文第二语言,中文为外语等考试中实现了全员 A*/A的佳绩,还有97.3%的学子在IGCSE数学考试中获得了A*/A,这充分体现了学子们在各个不同学科领域的扎实功底。

值得一提的是,IGCSE高阶数学对学生的数学能力和思维能力要求更高,杭州惠立学校的全体考生都收获了 A*/A的成绩。能够在此科目上获得A*/A的成绩,足以说明我们的学生在数学方面具备了扎实的基础和卓越的问题解决能力。



IGCSE,全称International General Certificate of Secondary Education,相当于国际学生的“英国中考”,是14岁至16岁全球考试中,参与人数最多的课程体系之一,已得到世界各地顶尖大学的广泛认可,也为学生在高中阶段顺利过渡至A Level或者IB课程的学习以及未来进入大学提供了扎实的基础。  




在这个转变期,引入为期1-2年的IGCSE课程将极大地帮助学生们从初中过渡到高中学习。此外,IGCSE课程与A-level和IB课程在很多方面内容上是相通的,使其成为A-level或IB课程的理想先修课程——通过IGCSE建立坚实的语言和学科基础,能够让学生们在后续攻读 A-level 或 IB 课程时更加轻松应对。 


此外,一些学校还要求学生必须在IGCSE取得至少B或C级的成绩,才能在A-level继续学习该科目。这也符合大学招生对于学生在IGCSE和A Level阶段学习的连续性要求,一般大学招生官在录取学生时除了参考学生的A Level成绩外,还会参考学生的IGCSE成绩。 






WCCH pupils surpass 

global standards in IGCSE results

Academic performance stands as a steadfast indicator of the teaching quality and pupils' achievement in a school. The IGCSE exam is a globally recognised benchmark for evaluating the academic capabilities of young adults due to its extensive global influence and rigorous grading criteria. 

WCCH’s strong position in IGCSE teaching is once again confirmed as our pupils have effortlessly surpassed the global average, achieving A* and A grades in their IGCSE exams at an impressive rate. Many of them even attained multiple A*s, most notably amid a global context of significant score drops, highlighting the unprecedented rigour in grading standards applied to this year's IGCSE exams.  

The overall A* rate of our pupils is an impressive 40.6% and an A*/A rate is also high at 64.8%. It is noteworthy that the coveted A* is exclusively awarded to the top 5% of exam-takers worldwide.  

Strong IGCSE results

In Triple Science, the most challenging science course, our pupils achieved outstanding exam results with 100% A* in Physics and Chemistry, and 90% A* in the challenging subject of Biology, thanks to their extensive knowledge base and excellent application skills.  Global A* rates for these subjects are 25%, 29.7%, and 12%, respectively, highlighting the difficulty of the Triple Science exams. 

IGCSE global average

In addition, our pupils achieved 100% A*/A in drama, Chinese as a second language, Chinese as a foreign language, and 97.3% of pupils in the IGCSE mathematics examination obtained A*/A, which fully reflects the pupils' solid foundation in various subject areas.

IGCSE Additional mathematics demands higher mathematical and thinking abilities from pupils, and at HSH, all candidates achieved A*/A results. Attaining an A*/A in this subject is a testament to our pupils' solid foundation in mathematics and excellent problem-solving skills. 

What is IGCSE?

Here is a brief introduction to the IGCSE exam for some parents who might not be familiar with the qualification.  

IGCSE is the abbreviation of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It holds distinction as one of the world’s most sought-after international qualifications. It is taken by the largest cohort of 14 to 16-year-olds and is widely recognised by top universities and colleges worldwide. It equips pupils with a solid foundation for a smooth transition to A Level or IB programmes in senior school and for entering universities in the future.  

The IGCSE certificate is highly recognised and accepted in all English-speaking countries ad across the globe generally. International schools in China usually offer one to two years of IGCSE courses as a pathway to A Level courses. IGCSE grades range from U, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, to A*, with A* being the highest. 

How significant is IGCSE?

IGCSE bridges the gap between middle school and senior school, where there are significant differences in learning approach and course content, particularly in international senior schools where a huge amount of academic vocabulary in English is introduced. It takes time for pupils to adapt to the teaching environment of international senior schools. 

Introducing a one to two year IGCSE course during this transitional period greatly assists pupils in moving from middle school to senior school learning. Additionally, the content of the IGCSE curriculum is compatible with that of A Level or IB courses, rendering it an ideal preparatory course for both. Pupils can establish a solid language and subject foundation through IGCSE course learning, preparing them to embrace the following A Level or IB courses through learning with confidence. 

Pupils' IGCSE course selection and grades also affect their A Level course selection. Many schools mandate that by not taking certain subjects during IGCSE, pupils will not be allowed to study those subjects during A Levels. Some schools set A Level subject entry requirements of achieving at least a B or C grade during IGCSE. All these reflect the university admissions' requirement for continuity in education during both IGCSE and A Level stages. University admissions officers usually consider a pupil’s IGCSE grades as well as their A Level grades when making enrolment decisions. 

Therefore, many pupils are inclined to take more subjects in IGCSE to explore their interests. If they perform well in a certain subject, they may choose to continue studying it at A Level to achieve higher grades in the future. However, if they discover during IGCSE that certain subjects are not suitable for them, they can avoid them in A Levels. 

Most importantly, IGCSE can also increase one's competitiveness in university applications. IGCSE is one of the vital indicators to measure the academic ability of applicants, hence many top universities have entry requirements for IGCSE as well. Having five or more A*s in IGCSE will make one more competitive in applying for G5 universities in the UK such as Oxford and Cambridge. 

At Wellington College Hangzhou, we are committed to providing an excellent educational environment and supporting pupils to achieve outstanding exam results on a global scale. We understand the importance of academic excellence and continuously optimise our educational mode to improve the teaching quality and offer pupils a more diversified and personalised learning experience. 

Every achievement of ours is a result of purposeful efforts, not by accident or by measuring numbers, but by a strong combination of teachers' dedication, pupils' perseverance, parents' support and the school's educational ethos. Wellington College Hangzhou will continue to help pupils pursue excellence and explore their potential. Let us look forward to more remarkable achievements from our pupils in the future. 


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