

发布者:时事知多少 2019-05-22 14:46:58


西班牙驻华使馆教育处教育参赞Gisela Conde Morencia女士、北京塞万提斯学院院长Inma González Puy女士、教务处主任Luis Roger等来宾出席了本次揭牌仪式。中国驻美国大使馆教育处原公使衔参赞、教育部国际司原司长、法政集团南南国际教育智库研究院理事长岑建君先生代表王广发校长出席了本次揭牌仪式并发表致辞。北京王府外国语学校高中部校长张希文代表我校西语项目主持接待。


Inma González Puy院长介绍说,西班牙语是仅次于中文的第二大语言,中国已把西班牙语纳入了高考及高中课程体系,中国DELE考试的报名人数居世界第三。北京王府学校已经有发展了三年的西班牙教学项目,现在又成为西班牙语DELE的考试中心,必将为中国和西班牙的友好交流做出积极贡献。

Gisela Conde Morencia女士也提到,西班牙是欧洲的高等教育区,教育成果被欧盟47个成员国认可,塞万提斯学院为西班牙文化的推广做出了重大贡献,目前学习西班牙语的人数还在不断增加,很多家长看重学习西语对孩子拓宽眼界、架起世界桥梁的帮助,祝愿西语在中国的发展越来越好。


On April 24, BRS school leaders welcomed to our campus officials from the Embassy of Spain in China and the Instituto Cervantes in Beijing to celebrate the official introduction of DELE Examination Center at BRS. In attendance were MS. Gisela Conde Morencia, Education Counsellor of Embassy of Spain in China and MS. Inma González Puy, Director of Instituto Cervantes in Beijing and Mr. Cen Jianjun, former Minister Counselor (education) for the Embassy of China in the U.S and Director-General of Research Institute of International Education South-South Cooperation and other leaders. DELE is the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language Examination, an official examination which is required for both immigration and university application purposes. Beijing Royal School is now the first international school in Beijing to qualify as a fully-licensed DELE Examination Center. During the symposium, attendees exchanged ideas related to the teaching and learning of Spanish, the curriculum, construction of the center itself, as well as other aspects. The ceremony marked a significant new milestone for BRS, as we prepare for and will hold the first DELE examination on our campus in May. The proximity will also encourage second foreign-language acquisition for our students with the added benefit of certificate-level instruction and examination. Incorporating dedicated, high-level teaching resources, staff and the first DELE examination center in Beijing affirms BRS’s commitment to this endeavor and provides an even more diverse international campus experience on-site.  


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