

(一)招生对象 Enrollment


 SGA will enroll Students of Chinese nationality (not limited to household registration), Chinese Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as foreign students legally residing in China.

(二)接受报名年级 Enrollment Grade 


  Grade 1 to Grade 11

(三)基本条件 Basic Requirements 

  1. 认同深圳外国语湾区学校办学理念和培养模式。 

  2. 有一定的语言基础,能较好的适应多语种,跨文化学习,具有参与国际交流交往的能力。

(1)Identify with the school philosophy and training model of SGA.

(2)Have a certain language foundation, can better adapt to multilingual, cross-cultural learning, with the ability to participate in international communication.

(四)语言要求 Language Requirements 


  English is the main language of instruction. Students' practical English application ability should meet the learning requirements of the corresponding grade. 

(五)特殊学习需求 Special Learning Needs


  SGA is currently unable to provide the necessary resources to support those with special learning needs. Parents must consult the Admissions Office in advance for details to ensure that the school has the resources to meet the specific learning needs of the student.

(六)收费标准 Charge Standard


  The tuition fee for Grade 1 to Grade 5 is RMB 145,000/academic year,  the tuition fee for Grade 6 to Grade 10 is RMB 155,000/academic year, and the boarding fee for Grade 6 to Grade 10 is RMB 8,000/academic year.





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