The IPC has a simple but comprehensive structure.
Everything is based on clearly defined learning goals and standards, which outline the subject area, personal and international knowledge, and skills and understanding students need at various stages of their learning journey.
Thematic units of work provide practical activities, which teachers can use in the classroom, plus a wealth of other supportive information. Each unit is structured through themes to ensure that learning experiences are stimulating.
We believe that learning is the most important event in any school and we want students to enjoy the learning that takes place through the IPC.
Each grade level has between 4 and 6 IPC units of study through the year. Each unit is based upon a global and relevant theme and follows a defined format which includes:
In-built into each IPC unit are the core curriculum areas of: Science, Physical Education, Personal, Technology, History, Geography, Society, International, Art, Music, Information and Computer Technology (ICT).