
Students will spend the first two years in NUS, then leave for the French Grandes Écoles for two years, before returning to NUS to complete their Master’s degree at NUS. Students will be conferred the Bachelor degree with an appropriate class of honours after completing the first two years of undergraduate study in NUS and another two years of study in France. The Master’s degree and the prestigious Diplôme d’Ingénieur will be conferred after completion of the graduate studies in NUS.

As the study in the Grandes Écoles requires a high level of mathematics and physics knowledge, application is by invitation only. After the first semester in NUS, the top 5 to 10% of the students from the relevant majors will be invited to apply. No prior knowledge of French language is required at the point of application. The selection process is based on academic merit and on the motivation and maturity of the students to thrive in France.


Year 1

·First year Science/ Engineering/ Computing studies at NUS

·Technical Preparatory: Special Mathematics and Physics classes from second semester onwards

·Intensive course in French (approx. 60 hours)

·French language & cultural immersion in France (approx. 4 weeks)

Year 2

·Second year Science/ Engineering/ Computing studies at NUS

·French language classes at NUS Centre for Language Studies, NUS (5 hours per week per semester)

·Technical Preparatory: Special Mathematics and Physics classes

·Application to Grandes Écoles

·Technical language immersion in France and Interviews required by some of the French Grandes Écoles.

·French language immersion in France before the start of semester in France required by some Grandes Écoles

Year 3

Year 1 Diplome d'Ingenieur studies at French Grandes Écoles

Year 4

Year 2 Diplome d'Ingenieur studies at French Grandes Écoles

Year 5

Master of Science/ Engineering/ Computing studies by research at NUS

Upon the completion of FDDP, students would be awarded 3 degrees – Bachelor's degree with Honours and Master's degree from NUS, and the "Diplome d'Ingenieur" from the French Grandes Écoles. For students attending École Polytechnique, they will receive an additional "Diplôme de l’Ecole Polytechnique", i.e. a second Master's degree in a specialised domain.

Note: Maximum candidature for the integrated Bachelor and Master programme is seven years.




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