
BCIS Winter Concert|最好的教育是教会孩子分享爱

发布者:BCIS曦城协同 2021-12-20 14:39:25

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Merry Christmas



原来是BCIS的Winter Concert,孩子们准备了很多有趣的表演要呈现给大家。

 LTC (幼儿园5岁班)

LTC的小可爱们穿上了圣诞老人的衣服,声情并茂地演唱了 歌曲"Jingle jingle little bell"。


一年级的小朋友们带上了亲手做的驯鹿鲁道夫面具演唱了Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer,Darcy老师还吹起了小号,让这场表演增色不少。


二年级的孩子们,有些扮成了圣诞老人和鲁道夫,有些则扮成了圣诞小精灵,边唱边跳,表演了歌曲Jingle bells。


三年级的小可爱们表演了 Twelve days of Chirstmas,孩子们卖力的表演,引得全场的气氛到了高潮!


四年级的孩子们带着各种各样的圣诞帽,演唱了Jingle bell rocks。




We wish you a merry christmas.


七八年级的同学们在Maria Lourens老师的指导下,编排了一出舞台剧《山楂树》,剧本是从Lillian Zeng同学在Talentshow上表演的舞蹈《山楂树之恋》中得到的灵感,展现了在特殊时期相遇的人们,因为爱所发生的故事。


这一切的美好都可用大家合唱的那一首英文歌来诠释,All you need is love。




在孩子们轻快的笑声和老师们的感动中,BCIS的Winter Concert演出结束了。



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Merry Christmas
Christmas is coming, we decorated a lot of Christmas trees and little stars on BCIS campus.

I heard  it had attracted a lot of Rudolph and elves...

It turned out to be the Winter Concert of BCIS. 
We prepared a lot of interesting performances to show to everyone.

 LTC (幼儿园5岁班)

LTC’s students put on Santa’s clothes and sang the song "Jingle jingle little bell" with great voice.

  Grade 1(一年级班)

First grade student put on their hand-made reindeer Rudolph masks and sang Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Teacher Darcy also played the trumpet, which made the performance more exciting.

  Grade 2(二年级班)

Second grade students, some dressed as Santa Claus and Rudolph, and some dressed as Christmas elves, performed the song Jingle bells.

  Grade 3(三年级班)

Third grade students performed Twelve days of Chirstmas. The children's hard performance brought the atmosphere of the audience more exciting!

  Grade 4(四年级班)

Fourth grade students brought a variety of Christmas hats and sang Jingle bell rocks.

Grade 5(五年级班)

Fifth grade students first performed several magic tricks respectively, and after successfully warming up, they performed the song Happy.

Grade 6(六年级班)

Sixth grade students sent Christmas greetings to everyone .
They performed song We wish you a merry christmas.

Grade 7-8(七、八年级班)

Under the guidance of Maria Lourens, the students in Grades 7 and 8 arranged a stage play "The Hawthorn Tree".

The script was inspired by the dance "The Hawthorn Tree" performed by Lillian Zeng at Talentshow. People who met in a special period, they fell in love.

In this stage play, there are narrations, poem recitations, songs, dances, and oil painting creations made by two classmates.

All the beauty of this can be explained by the English song everyone sang, All you need is love.

Take inspiration from history without resentment or forgetting.

We hope to truly teach children to "love".Friendship,Blood Complex ,Affection, ... We hope that children can be grateful for their families, love their friends, and prepared to enjoy life.We cannot predict every right challenge we will encounter in the future, but any difficulties and obstacles cannot be obliterated-all of our beliefs and hopes firmly based on love.
Keep a heart full of love, full of kindness and hope. In this Christmas , we show the world juvenile who are both confident and humble,  love life and love their nation.
Amid the  laughter of children and the touch of  teachers, BCIS Winter Concert performance has ended. This year is the 10th anniversary of BCIS. The attention and support of the teachers and parents to the students in the past ten years is obvious to all. We have witnessed children grow up and be happy. Thanks to all the teachers, students and parents of BCIS for their hard work and support, making this performance a complete success!
Wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's Day!
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