该项目的选拔具有一定的竞争性,旨在为一小批真正具有国际视野的学生提供商业管理领域的优质教育。招生时会综合评估学生的高中课程学习内容及难度、成绩、标准化考试分数、活动经历、个人陈述、老师或辅导员的推荐信等。对于申请 2022 - 2024 年入学的学生,标准化考试成绩(SAT 或 ACT)为可选提交。
以 2024 级新生为例,其平均非加权 GPA(满分为 4.0 分)为 3.90,SAT 成绩的中间 50%范围在 1460 - 1550,ACT 成绩的中间 50%范围在 33 - 35,预测的 IB 成绩(满分为 45 分)的中间 50%范围在 42 - 44。
Students will pay the tuition and fees of the university where they are in residence. The followings are the estimated costs for a student attending the WBB program at HKUST in Fall 2025. Keep in mind that actual costs are subject to change.

*Estimated yearly living expense (two semesters of rent, default required full meal plans and optional parking).
**Varies based on availability and selection. No meal plans are required at HKUST or Bocconi.