

香港中文大学与日本早稻田大学的全球视野合作办学项目 CUHK-Waseda Dual Degree Programme


Starting from the academic year of 2019-20, participating students will spend first two years at the home university and then at the partner university for the last two years.



Starting from the academic year of 2019-20, participating students will spend first two years at the home university and then at the partner university for the last two years.

Students only have to pay tuition fee of their home university.

Upon the completion of all graduation requirements of both universities, students can earn two bachelor’s degrees each from CUHK and Waseda University.

Requirements for admission to the 2nd degree programme in Waseda University:

1. Students must receive a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in their first year of studies (summer term included); and

2. Students should have taken at least 37 units in the first year of studies, or they may have to extend their normative study period.

3. Interviews may be conducted to select students when they have completed their first year of studies.

4. Students admitted with advanced standing are NOT eligible for this programme.


