

发布者:万科梅沙书院 2024-09-11 09:19:48


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In today’s educational landscape, teachers are not just conveyors of knowledge but also guides for student growth and pioneers of a global perspective. Next year, Vanke Meisha Academy will celebrate a milestone: its 10th anniversary. Looking back over nearly a decade of development, it is clear that the involvement of numerous outstanding educators from around the world has been crucial. They have not only infused VMA with unique educational philosophies but have also contributed to building a community rich in idealistic educational spirit.


Multiculturalism and a High-Caliber Faculty



Staff Members



Subject Teacher



of Faculty hold a master's or doctor's degree



Years Average Teaching Experience


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VMA boasts a strong team of 160 teachers and staff, both domestic and international, including 108 full-time teachers. Among them, 71.6% hold master’s or doctoral degrees, with an average teaching experience of 9 years. These educators not only have solid academic backgrounds but also extensive teaching experience. They have graduated from world-renowned institutions such as Columbia University, Yale University, University of Southern California, UCLA, Northwestern University, University of Manchester, University College London, New York University, London School of Economics, Hong Kong University, and Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their exposure to these top institutions enables VMA teachers to integrate rigorous academic standards with innovative thinking in their teaching.



Countries and Regions



Ratio of Chinese teachers to foreign teachers


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The VMA faculty comes from 16 countries and regions around the globe, including South Africa, Canada, the Philippines, the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Portugal, Ireland, France, South Korea, Serbia, Spain, Algeria, Kenya, China Hong Kong, and Chinese mainland. This multicultural background brings a wealth of educational resources and a global perspective to the school. The ratio of international to domestic teachers is 3:2, ensuring a blend of international education with local culture, dedicated to nurturing global citizens and leaders with Chinese identity.


Teachers from different countries giving culture sharing


Shared Prosperity: Building a Learning Community




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Vanke Meisha Academy is not just a school but a global learning community. Through various international cooperation projects, cross-cultural exchange activities, and diverse curricula, VMA actively promotes the implementation of global educational ideas. Teachers and students from any country or cultural background can find their own learning paths and growth opportunities here.

VMA has established a Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) for teachers, which, in addition to developing a comprehensive training, seminar, and feedback system to keep educators at the forefront of educational development, also provides a broad platform for professional growth and international exchange. This allows them to continually enhance their skills and better serve students. Starting this year, VMA has officially launched the "Teacher Scholarship" program to support teachers in completing the iPGCE (International Postgraduate Certificate in Education) through the TES program.


Teaching & Learning Program

  01 一对一教学指导 

Instructional Coaching



Providing 1:1 coaching support for newcomers & relatively young teachers with support on teaching pedagogy


Diverse Teaching Platform



Useful teaching platform that helps support DC and coaches to provide instructional support for teachers in various departments.

  03 教学观察与反馈周期

Walkthrough & feedback cycles



Biweekly walkthrough and feedback cycle for all teachers to provide them with the necessary lens in taking “bite-sized” changes to their teaching.

  04 开放式专业发展日

Pop-in PD days



Open day professional development sessions happening once a month on certain teaching pedagogies. This year’s PD topics range from formative assessments, monitoring routines, questioning techniques and much more.

  05 TLC 书籍图书馆

TLC Book Library



Books were ordered by the library and delivered to the TLC to support teaching practice and silent sustained reading (SSR) time. Some teachers borrowed these books quite frequently and signed out books to help them learn more about various teaching and reading practices.


From Zero to Ten: Moving Forward Together

从一所新兴学校发展成为备受瞩目的教育先锋,离不开教师团队的辛勤付出与创新探索。不服输的创校团队,疫情期间不分国籍共同抗疫、将教育当成一种生活方式…… 十年来,课堂内外,是他们的激情、创造力、责任感构建出梅沙教师独一无二的文化精神。

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The development from an emerging school to a prominent educational pioneer is thanks to the hard work and innovative exploration of the faculty team. The founding team’s resilience, their united fight against the pandemic regardless of nationality, and their view of education as a way of life have all contributed to shaping the unique cultural spirit of VMAers.




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Grace, a teacher from South Korea, was captivated by the mountains and seas in Dameisha, leaving her hometown to live in a new city. She now guides many VMA students in their college application, hoping they will also bravely venture into the world. Despite her many years of experience in international education, she is still impressed by the “Shenzhen speed.”




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Mr. Jonathan from the UK believes that students' work always reflects the different personalities of each individual, and so teaching should not set limits on students' development, but allow them to develop naturally in different areas, with the teacher's role being to provide a structure for learning.




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We can always see the hands-on energy and enthusiasm in STEAM teacher Joey's eyes. In the classroom, he believes that students need to use critical thinking to solve problems in addition to learning. Outside of the classroom, he and his family enjoy being involved in the community and consider VMA a home away from home.




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From orientation camp to graduation ceremony, being a mentor involves both listening and patience. Jean believes that even a single conversation or a word of encouragement can yield real answers over time.



Happy Teachers' Day !





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