
International Day | Celebrating a Successful Event 誉德莱国际日庆典圆满落幕

发布者:UISZ 增城誉德莱 2024-06-20 08:24:29

We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the International Day celebration at UISZ `on June 12th! This event not only showcased the diversity of global cultures but also promoted interaction and exchange among students and teachers. Here are some highlights from the event:


Event Highlights | 活动亮点


Spectacular Flag Parade and Performances


The event kicked off at 10:00 AM in the Multi-function Hall with a vibrant flag parade and various performances. Both primary and secondary students demonstrated their teamwork and outstanding performance abilities, earning enthusiastic applause from the audience.


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Colorful Booth Activities


From 1:00 PM to 3:10 PM, booth activities were held on the first floor. Students showcased the cultures and customs of different countries through interactive activities and displays, deepening their understanding and respect for various cultures. The well-organized booths displayed the students' creativity and organizational skills.


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Student Feedback | 学生反馈

Many participants expressed that the International Day event helped them understand different cultures better and boosted their teamwork spirit. Here are some student feedback:


“This event taught me a lot about different countries' cultures. Thank you to the school for providing this platform.”


“I was very excited to be part of the International Day activities and gained many valuable experiences.”


Looking Forward | 未来展望

The International Day celebration was not just a successful event but also a comprehensive test of our students' cultural understanding and overall qualities. We look forward to hosting more such events in the future, providing students with more opportunities to showcase and enhance themselves.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the teachers, students, and parents who participated in and supported this event. Your efforts and enthusiasm were key to its success. Let’s look forward to the next Yudelai International Day!



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