
SIS IBDP Outstanding Results Class of 2024|IBDP成绩喜报

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-07-08 08:53:58

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A heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2024 for their outstanding achievement in completing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Your dedication and hard work in navigating this challenging academic journey are truly commendable! 

Harish Kanabar

Head of School

We are thrilled to announce the outstanding IBO Diploma Programme results for the Shekou International School Class of 2024. These achievements are a testament to the rigorous academic standards and innovative educational approaches outlined in our mission statement. Our dedication to fostering inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young individuals has prepared our students to excel in the challenging IB curriculum. 

As we celebrate their remarkable accomplishments, we are eager to see how they will leverage their education to make a positive impact on the world. Each graduate will always hold a special place in our community. 

Congratulations to each of our graduates—Once a Gecko, always a Gecko! 

Matthew Doige 

Secondary Principal

The IB Diploma Programme is very rigorous. Our students' self-management skills and ability to be resilient was on full display. As students worked through their Internal Assessments, prepared for exams, and then actually writing the exams, our Geckos showed tremendous diligence. This dedication has resulted in another year of excellent achievement.

In all International Baccalaureate programmes, Approaches to Learning (ATLs) are a key feature. ATLs are those skills that students need to be highly functional and successful, not just in school, but in every avenue of life. ATLs like independent learning and time management are what propels our students to achieve.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on being resilient and dedicated. Your efforts have paid off and you deserve every success that comes with your results! #goGeckos #sisRocks 

Erin Garnhum

IB Diploma Coordinator

As a school, SIS is so excited to see the 2023-24 IBDP results published. Once again, our students have performed above the world average, scoring 35.8 points as a class average. It’s a credit to their hard work that they performed so well given the return to pre-COVID assessment practices from the IB. We are especially proud of the 7 students who scored 40 or above, including one student who received a top score of 45, emphasizing that SIS’s commitment to innovation develops students well-prepared for the rigour of the IB Diploma Programme. Even more notable are the 9 students (36% of the cohort) who achieved their IB Bilingual Diploma, completing a Language and Literature course in both Chinese and English. Additionally, 7 students (28% of the cohort) received a full 3 points for their Core studies. Congratulations to this cohort of Internationally-minded graduates!

Our University Matriculations 



Harish Kanabar

SIS 总校长



再次向我们的毕业生们表示最热烈的祝贺 —一日为壁虎学子,终身为壁虎骄子!

Matthew Doige 

SIS 中学校长



衷心祝贺2024届毕业生们,你们的坚韧与专注值得称赞。你们的辛勤付出终于得到了回报,你们值得庆祝这份成绩单所带来的所有荣誉! #goGeckos #sisRocks 

Erin Garnhum


深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校(SIS)对2023-24学年国际文凭大学预科项目(IBDP)成绩的发布感到无比激动。我校学生再次以卓越的表现超越了世界平均水平,班级平均分为35.8分 。在疫情后国际文凭组织(IB)恢复原有评估模式的背景下,学生们能够取得如此骄人的成绩,无疑是对他们辛勤努力的最好回报。



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