
SIS Secondary School Drama Presents: Liongirl |坚韧不屈的狮子女孩

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-03-14 08:53:06

Co-creation is one of the educational cornerstones at Shekou International School (SIS), where we foster students' critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Empowering students to architect their success prepares them to adapt confidently and resiliently to the transforming world.

Recently, SIS witnessed a theatrical display of this educational philosophy with the secondary drama production Liongirl (by Zizou Corder/adapted for the stage by Marcelo Dos Santos). Over 40 students, alongside a dedicated team of teachers, embarked on a theatrical journey. 

SIS MYP Drama/DP Film teacher Vanessa Tolino directed the play. She encouraged students to take ownership of their roles. This collaborative approach empowered students to infuse the play with authenticity and passion, resulting in a production that resonated with audiences.  

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Ms. Tolino remarked, "Liongirl was a powerful testament to resilience and internationalism. Throughout the creative process, students portrayed characters who faced adversity with unwavering determination and courage.” 

A rich tapestry of cultures and languages makes Liongirl unique. Representing four different countries, the play seamlessly wove diverse linguistic and cultural elements together; it reflected the mosaic of SIS' diverse cultural community. 

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to explore the essence of Liongirl through this short video. As the curtain falls, join us in applauding our secondary school's drama production - a testament to the transformative power of co-creation and the resilience of the human spirit.

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最近,SIS通过中学戏剧作品《狮子女孩》再次生动诠释了这一教育理念。(此剧由Zizou Corde创作,并由 Marcelo Dos Santos 改编为舞台剧)超过40名SIS中学生和戏剧专属的老师团队,共同踏上了戏剧之旅。

本次戏剧演出的导演是SIS MYP(国际文凭中学课程)戏剧与DP(国际文凭大学预科课程)电影课程老师 Vanessa Tolino。她运用协作教学方法,鼓励学生成为角色的主人,将自己真实情感及个人特长融入到表演中,为观众带来了震撼心灵的演绎。 


Ms. Tolino 赞叹道:“《狮子女孩》充分展现了坚韧不拔和国际主义精神。在整个创作过程中,学生饰演的角色以坚定的决心和勇气面对挑战,令人赞赏。”



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Best wishes, 

SIS Communications


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