

发布者:上海宏润博源 2021-01-25 15:46:01

Ms.He and Her SHBS Eco Action Group


Editor’s note: SHBS boasts an excellent faculty team. They love life, children, and their teaching career; They are not only excellent in their professional expertise, but also open-minded,and have rich experiences to share. Today, we would like to introduce one of them to you.

贺老师何许人也?Who is Ms. He?








Educational Background:

Master's degree in TESOL, Shanghai International Studies University

Holder of both high school & college English teaching certificates

Years of experience in teaching college English majors and International school students

Key member & special sharing guest of Toastmasters English Speaking Club

Her inspiring and interesting way of teaching makes her very popular among the students


Personal Charm 


 As a vegetarian, minimalist, and environmentalist, she initiated and organized many experiential activities themed “Zero Waste Lifestyle", inspiring more people to join in the efforts to protect the environment.


In her own weChat official account "Alva on the Road", she shares her experiences and thoughts of backpacking alone to countries such as Argentina, Chile, Cambodia, Nepal, and Turkey etc. During her trips to those countries, she has been promoting environmental protection. 


She likes talking to people of different age groups and people with different occupational and cultural backgrounds to enrich her thinking and broaden her horizon.


Once when she backpacked to Nepal, she made friends with pupils from poor mountain areas and stayed there to teach them English for some time. After coming back home, she oragnized donations via her Wechat official account, and sent in person those pupils warm clothes and other supplies.


Very fond of challenges, she often participates in outdoor competitions, such as mountain hiking race, marathon, Sparta, etc. She also lives a wonderful life by composing standup comedy scripts and tried them out in public.


With love in heart, universe in eyes, and wisdom in mind, Ms. He witnessed and created many splendid stories. No wonder she is so popular among the students. 



 Ms. He's footprint of backpacking alone for 6 months in South America

When raising money, Ms. He created postcards with photos of the Nepal kids and the pumpkins grown by them


Ms. He and Her SHBS Eco Action Group

2020年11月中旬,上海宏润博源学校开展了为期一周的 “建设上海 ”项目(参照以往分享文章)。贺老师领导了“塑料英雄”项目,带领组内同学们了解了当前环境污染令人震惊的事实,并通过旧衣改造, “光盘行动”, 城市菜园,自带杯子去买奶茶,利用学校的无患子制作天然洗手液,带领同学们到人民广场采访路人等一系列活动,唤起同学们的环保意识,带领他们参与环保行动,并影响身边的人。

In mid-November, 2020, SHBS launched a week-long program named “Building Shanghai”, during which Ms. He initiated a project called “plastic hero”. Led by Miss He and Mr. Dawn Xu, group members had a better understanding of those stunning facts on pollution. She and Dawn raised students’ awareness of environment protection by guiding them to do a series of activities, such as altering old clothes, “finishing your food trays”, growing vegetables in an urban garden, bringing your own mugs to buy milk tea, making hand soap with soapberries grown on campus, interviewing pedestrians at People’s Square etc. While participating in those activities, they also hoped to exert a positive influence on people around them. 


It has been a while since “Building Shanghai” project, yet the efforts for a better community never ceased. A better campus, greener SHBS, animal protection,  discussions on these can still be heard  around the campus.

于是,贺老师便把这些“民间力量” 组织起来—成立了SHBS环保行动派。

Among those discussions, a small group of people gradually gathered and established SHBS Eco Action Group.


Posters designed by students to promote the full use of paper


As shown in the poster, this group aims to “engreen” and empower SHBS community and beyond by taking the lead in environmental protection efforts. 

目前,行动派的环保行动已经展开: 二手衣物回收,牛奶盒回收,单面纸张回收再利用。这些活动一经发起,就受到刘刘校长,Chris校长,以及师生们的大力支持。

So far, the following actions have already been taken:

Worn-out clothes recycle, milk carton recycle and single-side paper recycle. These actions were greatly welcomed and appreciated by all the students and faculty members.


2021将是改变的一年! 我们相信SHBS环保行动派的小小力量积聚起来,也将推动积极的巨变。

The keyword for 2020 is "Eventful”. The pandemic forced people around the world to think about the the balance we have to strike between human and nature.

The keyword for 2021 will be “change”. We firmly believe SHBS eco action group will be part of the powers that make great changes happen.


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