

发布者:上海宏润博源 2020-11-09 14:32:51


Beichen Forum

------ 共论校园时事

Discussion on school affairs



So far this semester, the newly elected ASB members have organized many better popular activities. At the CAS session on this Monday, Cai Hanxiao, the president of the ASB,hosted a forum named Beicheng so as to call on us to improve the environment and the quality of life on our campus.


Four members of the ASB gave speeches on four different topics respectively. Sean Xu talked about wild animals on campus;Leo Jiang spoke on our school cafeteria;Hina Liang discussed garbage disposal; Sam Cai focused on how to build our school community.All these 4 topics were actually targeted at issues which needed our immediate attention and action.


Sean presented his proposal to deal with 5 stray cats on campus.Inevitably, stray cats may carry viruses or bacteria with them, breed frequently and give birth to a lot of kittens, search for food in trash cans, and poo everywhere, and so on.If we buy cats’ food and feed them , we fear that they may lose their vitality and end up with mass breeding. We need to find an effective solution to the problem of cats’ survival. Sean called on students to join his project, to make a donation, and to act for the cats. 


When looking into the issue of our school cafeteria, Leo Jiang found out that almost all the students agreed that they enjoyed a wide variety of foods to choose from including Chinese,western meals and noodles. However, they also pointed out that situations like the problem of queuing up for a late meal still needed to be dealt with. Many students who are supposed to have lunch at 12:10 complained a lot about having to wait for a long time. 



Therefore, Leo introduced his creative thoughts to us. For example we could create a smart cafeteria app, which could reduce the waste of food by using data to analyze popular dishes. He believed that we would surely build a smarter cafeteria with technical support.

Principal Bowen also gave his opinion, saying that he appreciated more creative thoughts from students so that we could build a better smart cafeteria.


The editor found that Hina Liang was an eloquent speaker, who would get into a sharp argument with her opponents, yet fight back with powerful but elegant language.She said some students were using the desk drawers as trash cans. First, she told us earnestly that in order to prevent the garbage from piling up and ants from gathering to feed on garbage,Principal Chris was checking desks for garbage every morning, and ASB members labelled trash cans and made posters to raise our awareness of this issue. Meanwhile, ASB and volunteers took the initiative in collecting garbage, hoping students would take action to keep our campus clean and tidy


Students responded strongly and enthusiastically to their initiative.

     最后蔡涵啸以他演说的天赋,慷慨陈词,以那句 “跟我们每一个人都有关系”打动大家,引发思考,“好的社区应该是人人关心,大家共同建设的”,他说,学生会已经做好了改善的准备,需要大家积极参与公众活动,踊跃提出问题。

Finally, Sam Cai, a talented speaker, spoke in excitement.He impressed all with his remark “It concerns everyone”, making us think about the question “ how each one of us should contribute to the development of our community”. He said that ASB was ready to make improvements and everyone needed to take an active part in public activities and express their concerns.

他提出三个“走心”-- 问卷走心,活动走心,生活走心--鼓励大家尽全力在这里生活学习,参与活动,积极提供反馈,共同建设我们的校园。   

He proposed 3 “Heart and Soul” to call upon everyone to live and grow to their fullest on campus and atcively give feedback to help develop our community. 



Teachers and students were greatly impressed by the first session of Beicheng Forum, and they responded enthusiastically to it. The earnest suggestions made by the ASB and their exemplary actions have created another channel for the construction of the SHBS community. SHBS students led by the ASB are the real masters of this school. 

We live on a beautiful campus ----SHBS,Zhujiajiao. We take pride in improving the living quality of our campus.

Translator: Dawn Xu


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