

发布者:上海宏润博源 2020-09-14 14:41:47



The Water Game Challenge


Seizing the final heat of the late summer, SHBS organized a cool water game challenge for all homerooms to compete with each other and to have fun all together. 


Each homeroom should recommend 12 players to compete and the homeroom teacher must get on the track: walk on spiked plastic board to carry water, knock down cup fortress with water guns, catch water balls, carry glass marbles with chopsticks. Some homerooms voted their homeroom teachers to do the ice bucket challenge and the homeroom teachers accepted the students' enthusiasm willingly. 


First of all, our dear faculty team gave the students a demo on how to play the game: principal bowen and other two teachers walked on a board covered with plastic thorns and which was so narrow that only one person could pass. The three guys “transported” water to an empty bottle held by Principal Chris until it was filled up. Right after that, holding a huge toy water gun in her hands, Ms. Rita swore to sweep away all the cups in front of her.  Then, our art teacher Ms. Liu Yan and our foreign teacher Mr. Jay, standing several meters apart, began to work on the water ball challenge. After that, it was our dorm parents’ turn to play the game. They worked together and used chopsticks to move marbles from one bowl on the desk to another bowl on the ground. Finally, poured from overhead with a large bucket of ice water, our PE teacher Mr. Wen courageously dashed along a 4.5-meter- long spiked board until he grabbed a tie at the end point which symbolized victory.


Next, it was the students’ showtime. Four homerooms started their challenges at the same time. 


All of us, whether from upper class or from pre- Grade, whether teachers or students, whether Chinese or foreign teachers, enjoyed ourselves in the remaining traces of summer, basked ourselves in the sunlight and splashing of water, and together celebrated the end of this summer.


Held at the beginning of the semester, the water game challenge aimed not only to relax ourselves and relieve our stress, but also to inspire teamwork, to improve the cooperation and understanding among students, and to enchance the solidarity among homerooms. 



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