
游戏成瘾如何预防和干预How to Prevent and Intervene in Video Game Addiction

发布者:上海宏润博源 2020-07-29 15:25:23


Today, I want to talk about how to prevent and deal with children's addiction to video games. During COVID-19, many parents mentioned that their children were always playing with their mobile phones at home. Children lose their temper if they are not allowed to play. Take one of my clients for example: their little girl played video games from morning till night every day. Her father was very angry. When he came back drunk once, he smashed the girl's cell phone. The girl threatened to commit suicide, so her parents spent more than 8,000 yuan to buy her a new mobile phone the next day. Such phenomena are really common right now. So what do we do in this situation?


Today we will mainly discuss the three aspects: why children develop addiction?  In what situation do children become easily addicted to mobile phones?  What are the basic principles of prevention measures? 

我们先来看一个实验,把一只小老鼠放进一个笼子里,笼子里只有一个白开水和一个海洛因的水。几乎每一次做这个实验,老鼠都会选择喝海洛因的水,反复的喝啊喝,直到它喝死。但是在上个世纪70年代,一个叫布鲁斯 亚历山大的心理学家注意到了这个实验里面有一个bug,老鼠总是被单独关在这个笼子里,除了吸毒,他也没有别的事儿可以干。

Let's start with an experiment. If you take a rat and put it in a cage with two water bottles: one is water, and the other is water with heroin. Almost every time, the rat will become obsessed with the drugged water and keeps coming back for more and more, until it dies. But in the 1970s, Bruce Alexander, a professor of psychology noticed the bug of this experiment. The rat is put in the cage all alone, and it has nothing to do but take the drugs.

于是布鲁斯 亚历山大建了一个老鼠的乐园,里头有很多老鼠,有他们可以玩球呀,钻隧道啊,还有很多朋友啊,还可以肆无忌惮的啪啪啪,几乎所有老鼠想要的东西,这个笼子里头都有。同样的这个笼子里头也是有一个白开水和一个海洛因,大部分的老鼠在尝试过这个海洛因了之后,都选择回来喝白开水,没有老鼠对毒品上瘾。

So he built a Rat Park, where the rats could have balls, plenty of friends to play with, and they could have loads of sex. When given the drugged water and the normal water, rats in Rat Park hardly ever had the drugged water . 


Maybe it's the environment that causes people to become addicted to something. Humans are born with a need to connect with others.  When we are healthy and happy, we are willing to establish contact with other people, but when we got hurt, frustrated, or isolated, we tend to bury ourselves into something that brings us relief. For example, check mobile phone information frequently, watch Tik Talk videos , browse wechat moments, or play video games. In fact, this conclusion overturns my perspective. I always thought that the cause of addiction was lack of self-control, but the ultimate cause of addiction turned out to be loneliness.


What needs do children meet in mobile games?






1. Sense of honor and achievement

2. The pleasure of connecting with people and cooperating with each other

3. Get into the story and satisfy your imagination

4. Emotional paralysis; Instant gratification

5. Self-relaxation, emotional outlet


Based on the above, we draw two conclusions about why people become addicted. It's a choice that people make to meet their own needs. Addiction itself is a mirror that reflects his needs and experiences, and we can easily infer his upbringing, his family education and his survival strategy. When addictive behaviors occur, we intervene most not with children but with parents.


In what situations do children become more easily addicted to mobile phones and games?






1. Weak emotional connection with parents

2. Many blows and setbacks in real life

3. Strong sense of inferiority and low self-esteem

4. Chronical abuse and neglect

5. Weak tolerance for negative emotions


We should pay more attention to children who are chronically abused and neglected. It has a very high addiction rating. We need to understand abuse and neglect broadly. Abuse doesn't only mean physical abuse. It means the child has needs. We see them but ignore them: every time a child poses an opinion, the parents refute it; This is also abuse. 


To sum up, in the process of growing up, an individual will choose a quick strategy to satisfy his needs if there is a big difference between the real experience and the experience of video games, instead of making a long-term plan. Parents often say to their children, you have to be responsible for yourself, to study well. They all understand the importance, but can not overcome the emotional needs, but the emotion is the central regulator of human behavior.


During COVID-19, a lot of parent-child relationships are damaged because of cell phones. Why phones and games? When a child enters a role, dopamine is released. The effect is similar to that of an anesthetic, which removes the pain a child has in real life . A 2009 study at Sun Yat-sen University reported that the pain tolerance of people while counting money is the same as that of those who take painkillers.


What if the child has become addicted? Don’t try to solve this problem in a rough way. Don't think that if I take away the phone and stop the Internet, this problem will be solved. Like the dad who smashed his daughter's phone after he got drunk and came in for counselling. Then I'll ask him, how do you get rid of your addiction to alcohol? Tie you up? You go drinking because there are problems in your real life that you can't solve and you want to escape. Same as your daughter's playing video games.


It's a system problem, and to solve this system problem, it's not very effective to change only one or two factors. You need to start with the whole system and build a new parent-child relationship which entails changes on both parents' and students' sides.


First of all, parents need to regulate their own state. If we are anxious and worried, we are also in a state of scarcity and seeking a sense of value in our child; it is very difficult for us to deal with this problem in this state. 


The second is to have a reasonable expectation. For example, if a child just got addicted to the game  and quarreled with us. At this time, we can adjust the parent-child relationship and adjust his life rules to solve this problem soon. But let's say, this process has been going on for more than three months. Intervention is needed not only for parents but also for children. If it has been more than a year, the social function has been seriously impaired. At this point we have to train him to behave normally with drugs or a corrective system.


For the intervention of children, the core idea is to turn the connection between people and mobile phones into the connection between people and people. Meet child's needs in real life. In the process, we need to accomplish at least two things. The first is to make the children accept themselves. if they don't accept the reality, it is impossible to restore the self awareness and impossible to be practical and realistic to do something. This distorted cognition will make him stuck and not be able to  build relationships with other people.


The second is behavioral change: from being addicted to video games to loving real life. When the social function is preliminarily restored, parents should find alternative behaviors for the child and stop letting him play games, such as playing ball games together and doing things he is interested in. Through these alternative behaviors, the child can have positive feelings in real life. He thought it would be fun to do it, and if we reinforce it, the kids would stop being addicted to electronics.


Video game addiction in adolescence can be one of the toughest problems. But parents need to keep their emotions in check and try to solve the problem. Try not to use violence, and do not smash mobile phones, smash computers, or block the Internet. You could end up with a kid's suicide, violence, or run-away from home. Through today's learning, we are all the wisest parents and can handle the relationship with our children. If you need any help, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.


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