

发布者:上海宏润博源 2020-07-21 10:12:10


Top College Advising System Is a Must for Top International Schools

回顾2020年新年伊始到如今,人类已经与新冠病毒斗智斗勇将近了半载有余。这一场史无前例的人类浩劫带给我们层层严峻的考验, 从而促使从事教育行业的工作者思索未来的方向,方向在哪里?形式会是什么样?新冠疫情的肆虐使我们经历了长达了3个月线上课程,最后喜迎来一个半月的线下复课。在这个过程中,宏润博源学校升学部门也是紧跟着疫情形势发展不断调整对同学们的升学指导,同时也是在不偏离以往对不同年级升学规划的基础上,按照宏润博源学生咨询体系,确保同学们持续地成长。

Looking back to the beginning of the New Year 2020, we inadvertently find out that human being has been battling with Coronavirus for nearly half a year. This unprecedented catastrophe has brought us several rounds of challenges, prompting educators to explore the new direction and form of future education. With Covid-19 running rampant, we have gone through online class for three months and have finally resumed offline courses for one and a half months. During this special period, college advising department of SHBS adjusted our guidance and consultation in line with the development of the epidemic situation, while follows SHBS students advising system – providing different suggestions and plans for different grades – to ensure students’ meaninful and continuous growth.


Then what has our college advising department done during the online teaching period?




•      Continue to monitor COVID-related shifts (and flexibility of schools and programs in responding to student needs);

With the continuous cancellation of TOEFL, IELTS, SAT and change of AP exams, College advising department has sent out notices every month to make sure students and parents get first- hand information and adjusted test plans. We highly suggest our students always go all out in test preps.





•      Share high-quality online college advising sessions for students;

With numerous college webinars available, college advising department has selected a few high-quality lectures and forwarded them to students' and parents' Wechat groups. We encouraged our students to take great initiative to look for suitable colleges by learning more about types of colleges, their teaching philosophy, etc. Parents' involvement in the process was highly recommended of course. 


升学部门老师们与11 年级同学开展两轮一对一升学辅导面谈;


·         Rounds of one-on-one College Counselling Interview with 11 graders

College advisors have finished two rounds one-one-on interviews with all the juniors to know their learning status, needs, directions and progress in college application and to provide students guidance and suggestions accordingly.



职业生涯规划是升学部门每一学年的重点规划活动之一,旨在帮助我们同学们了解自我,了解不同的行业工种。本次职业活动周前期,升学部门指导班主任老师们利用每天早晨P&B帮助班级同学通过性格测试,探索擅长学科与未来职业生涯发展观相结合, 了解大学专业种类以及探讨专业选择等。此外,升学部门从同学们民意调研中确立12个行业,继而推出12名优秀代表。嘉宾们的讲座不仅打开了同学们的视野,像一面镜子看清一些行业内生态,更重要的是同学们从嘉宾的分享中体会到优秀人物身上积极进取的精神面貌。择业即是选择一种人生方式,今天的探索为明天播下理想的种子。

•      Hold a two-week career education activity;

Career exploration is one of the main college advising activities for our students to develop self-awareness and learn about different professions.  Based on a previous survey among students and some expert opinions, college advising department invited twelve elite guest speakers from different industries to present their career development and thoughts about their field. Their sharing not only broadened students’ horizons by helping them learn about these industries, but also, more importantly, made students inspired by their entrepreneurship and personality. 


升学部门多次举办线上升学指导讲座&微信沙龙,帮助 G9-11同学规划升学重心,培训指导班主任老师及解答家长升学疑问;


      Hold college counselling workshops & Wechat salon for students, homeroom teachers, and parents;

SHBS advising system has covered G 9- G 11 students and held three different college advising workshops focusing on each grade. In addtion, college advising department has instructed homeroom teachers to communicate with students on college application affairs effectively. In a time full of uncertaily, we also set up two parents workshop aimed at analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on univiersity applications and trends and answering parents questions.


“走出去”和海外100 + 大学互动交流;

升学部门在引进来优质活动的同时,也积极走出去,传播SHBS教学理念,让更多的海外大学了解我们的高中,我们的学子,扩大影响力。比如,升学部门参加了优蛋举办的线上高中展, 与超过100所大学招生官面谈,并留下联系方式以及保持邮件密切往来。

•      Reach out to 100 + Universities Overseas

In the meantime of introducing great activities, we also reach out to college admission officers actively, so that more college admission officers can learn more about our school and students and promote our school teaching values and influence



We were lucky to resume offline class on May 18th and college advising department continued our rountine works.



·         Continue to share college webniars with students and Invite college AOs to hold webinars for our students.



·         Continue to talk with juniors and offer them advice for the upcoming summer



·         Review and evaluate juniors’ course selection



·         Share resources of Virtual College Visits with students



·         Have all the Juniors fill out Seniors Profile document



·         Will start to use a new interface to access students college application materials (Cialfo)


At last, we would like to share


Class of 2020 College Admission List


In face of uncertainty and volatity in the current situation, SHBS holds on to the belief of providing genuine education and stick to the essence of education. We firmly believe that our students should be seekers of knowledge, believers of values, and transformers of the world, with global visions, moral excellence, and academic brilliance, as well as world citizens that uphold the fine traditions of our Chinese nation, then they will be able to confront such a disturbing world with strong confidence and cope with shifting events by sticking to fundamental principle. As a matter of fact, the class of 2020 college admission list is the touchstone of our practicality and suitability in the eyes of colleges overseas, and let us hope our class of 2021 will hold on to their dreams, make full use of your time and reach new heights.


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