
Transition from EY to PY at ISASC 幼升小 | 家校合作,助力孩子“平稳过桥”

发布者:ISA Science City爱莎科学城 2022-05-23 16:23:21

Transitions can be difficult for many children, and it is crucial to be aware that some are more vulnerable than others. Creating a smooth transition into school is vital to ensuring the child gets the best possible start in their new setting.


At ISA Science City, the Early Years and Primary school work collaboratively to ensure our EY4 students transition smoothly to Grade One, the process starting now. 


It is a collective responsibility to help the child understand the changes about to occur. It requires many people involved in the transition process, and we all need to work closely together during this time.


During the transition night, we informed parents about what they might expect in the months before starting school and how they can help their child through the transition. The changes include:


  • Students will need to walk to their classroom independently.


  • Lunch will be at the main cafeteria instead of in the EY4 classroom.


  • They will attend weekly assembly rather than monthly assembly.


  • Grade 1 will be learning six units rather than five units in EY4.


  • There will be more specialist classes, particularly Chinese classes with a duration of 60 minutes per period.


Then, we shared our plan for how the primary school will provide multiple opportunities for the EY4 students to visit their new primary school to help build familiarity and belonging. On the week of 10-16th June, they will have the chance to tour the sub-school facilities, join the buddy class, enjoy lunch with the Grade One students, and attend the PY assembly. These activities will help build a sense of belonging to the Primary School community.


Next was the highlight of the night when we had another opportunity for parents to build and strengthen community partnerships with some common school scenarios. Teachers, children, families and the school's community and education networks can play an essential role in supporting children and families transition to primary. Teaching children and families the skills to support them in the transition period serves to support the process.  Skills such as:


  • How to recognise, express and talk about their feelings.


  • Problem-solving skills


  • Helpful thinking strategies. For example, "I can do this" or "I can be brave"

    有用的思维策略。例如,"我可以做这个 "或 "我可以很勇敢"

  • Seeking help when needed


Lastly, we provided a handout for the parents that included tips and ideas for how they can support and develop their child's social and emotional skills, coping and help-seeking strategies.


Good communication also allows information-sharing about a child's learning and social needs. We look forward to welcoming our EY4 to join us at the beginning of the next academic year and partnership with parents to ensure they have a smooth transition to primary school at ISA Science City.



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