
Enhancing Young Learners|IB蒙特梭利融合项目对年幼学习者的帮助

发布者:深美SZSAIS 2024-04-01 08:47:04

So far, the one-month IB-Montessori Integration Trial Program in March has been successfully completed. As we move into April, the program is now entering the official operational stage. We invite interested parents and children to join us and experience this exciting  Early Years program provided by our team of early education experts.

This week, we would like to share with you the topic of "Global Citizenship" in the IB-Montessori Integration Program.

Foundation of Global Citizenship

Global citizenship education aims to empower learners of all ages to assume active roles, both locally and globally, in building more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, and secure societies. The Montessori philosophy, with its emphasis on peace education, and the IB PYP, with its focus on international-mindedness and global engagement, both naturally foster the principles of global citizenship from an early age.

Integration in Curriculum

In a combined Montessori and IB PYP setting, the curriculum is designed to not only address academic skills but also to cultivate an understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives. This is achieved through:

Inquiry into Global Themes

The IB PYP’s transdisciplinary themes, such as “Who we are” and “Sharing the planet,” provide a framework for exploring global issues and challenges. These themes are integrated with Montessori’s cultural curriculum, which includes geography, history, and science, offering children a comprehensive view of their place in the world and their responsibility towards it.

Cultural Studies and Language

Montessori education places a strong emphasis on cultural studies from an early age, introducing children to different countries, cultures, and languages. This global perspective is enriched by the PYP’s language program, which encourages the learning of a second language, fostering communication skills and cultural awareness.

Peace Education

A core component of Montessori education is peace education, which teaches children about respect, tolerance, and conflict resolution. These principles are echoed in the PYP’s learner profile, which aims to develop students who are communicators, principled, open-minded, and caring. Together, these approaches cultivate a mindset of global citizenship, emphasizing the importance of understanding and peace in the global community.

Environmental Stewardship

Both Montessori and the IB PYP curriculum emphasize the importance of caring for the environment. This is integrated into the classroom through activities that teach children about sustainability, the interdependence of ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the planet. By engaging with these topics, children learn to see themselves as stewards of the earth, a key aspect of global citizenship.

Community Engagement

The concept of global citizenship is not limited to understanding global issues; it also involves taking action. Children are encouraged to participate in community service projects and initiatives that have a positive impact on their local and global communities. This experiential learning fosters a sense of responsibility and agency, showing children that they can make a difference.

Reflection and Action

Reflection is a critical component of both Montessori and IB PYP education, encouraging children to think about their role in the world and the impact of their actions. Through guided reflection, children develop a deeper understanding of global citizenship and are encouraged to think critically about how they can contribute to a more just and sustainable world.

Developing Global Citizens

By integrating the strengths of Montessori education and the IB PYP, kindergarten programs can provide a rich, holistic education that prepares children not just academically, but as thoughtful, responsible global citizens. This approach fosters an early awareness of global issues, empathy for others, and a commitment to contributing positively to the world, laying the foundation for lifelong engagement and action.









国际文凭PYP的跨学科主题,如 "我是谁 "和 "共享地球",为探索全球问题和挑战提供了一个框架。这些主题与蒙台梭利的文化课程(包括地理、历史和科学)相融合,可以让孩子们全面地认识到自己在所处世界中的位置以及对世界的责任。













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