

发布者:深圳普林云海港人子弟学校 2024-07-08 08:26:02

Memories of summer

{ 夏日的记忆 }


这场音乐会是学生展示音乐才能和学习成果的舞台。学校学期初就制定了将音乐课的教学目标与IB PYP超学科主题学科相融合,给予每一位普林云海学子都提供了站在舞台上展现自己学习成果的机会。

Summer Concert

Summer is a season of musical jumps. When the melodic notes meet the scorching summer, the PSIS campus transforms into the paradise of music. Teachers and students jointly compose the hottest summer memories of 2024!

This concert is an excellent stage for students to showcase their musical talents and learning outcomes. At the beginning of the school semester, the teaching objectives of music classes were integrated with the IB PYP Transdiciplinary Themes, providing every PSIS student with the opportunity to showcase their learning achievements on the stage.

Dream Stage, Youth Sings

在这个舞台上,普林云海的学子们将不再只是教室里的练习者,而是真正的梦想家!架子鼓的激昂独奏,敲击出少年们的不羁与热血;1、2年级小天使们则在舞台上淋漓尽致地展示出了自己的学习成果;“多语合唱”跨越了语言界限,用纯真童声演绎出世界的和谐和美好;而《有情绪不要紧》这首粤语歌,更是将IB PYP超学科主题探究“我们是谁”进行了深度的情感探索,让人共鸣直击心灵。

At this stage, PSIS students will no longer be just practicing in the classroom but true dreamers! The passionate solo on the drum, tapping out the unrestrained and sincere spirit of the youth; the first and second-grade angels showcased their learning achievements to the fullest on stage. Multilingual choir transcends language boundaries, interpreting the harmony and beauty of the world with innocent children's voices. The Cantonese song "Emotions Don't Matter" delves deeply into the emotional exploration of the IB PYP Transdisciplinary Theme of "Who We Are," resonating and striking at the heart.

Graduation Songs, 

Cherishing Friendship


The song "Farewell" from the third-grade gently embraces the sadness of depature, adding a touch of warmth to the graduation season. And Grade seven students' English opera was even more stunning. They demonstrated excellent English skills and conquered the hearts of every audience present with the charm of music and stage.

Summer of Music, Witness Togeher


PSIS 2024 Summer Concert s not just a musical event but a catalyst for dreams and a celebration of youth. Here, all teachers and students witness the transformative power of the dream stage, where sweat and tears give way to inspiration and passion. It's not just a collision of creativity and team spirit but a brilliant blooming of artistic talent that inspires us all!


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