
PYP | 三方会谈——以孩子为核心的家庭专属咨询时间

发布者:广州暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-04-10 09:07:14















 G6 陈同学妈妈





 G4 陈同学妈妈

















In an IB education, the tripartite meeting is the key to communication, bridging the gap between students, parents and teachers.Through this face-to-face communication, we can share learning progress, solve problems and set goals together in a timely and effective manner.

The ASJ Primary Division held a "Communication Feast" on April 3rd, where we emphasized on understanding and respecting the unique needs of each student, and promoting home-school cooperation to support the holistic development of students. We hope that by working together with parents, we can lay a solid foundation for our children's future!



During the tripartite meeting, students and parents can choose to have a one-on-one interview with the class teacher, subject teacher, etc. in order to analyze in depth the students' current school performance and the problems they need to face, with regard to the students' learning situation since the beginning of the school year as well as their future learning plans.

The three parties will have in-depth communication on students' problems and further explore ways to improve the students' overall development.

Unlike traditional parent-teacher conferences, the tripartite meeting is student-oriented and focuses on communication between teachers, students and parents, allowing all three parties to better understand each other and providing families with the opportunity to actively participate in their children's learning process.

During the tripartite meeting, each family has an exclusive counseling time. Teachers will first give feedback on the student's performance at school during this time and analyze the strengths and weaknesses in detail, discussing with the student and parents the direction and measures that still need to be worked on in the future, so that parents have a deeper understanding of how their children are doing at school and the student has a clear sense of the direction of his or her self-efforts.

Students, as subjects, also actively communicated with teachers and parents during this talk. In addition to reflecting on their past learning, students also shared ideas about their subject learning, as well as their future learning goals, current struggles, etc. They actively worked with teachers and parents to solve problems and set goals for development.

On the other hand, parents also raised questions, problems and expectations about the current overall performance and future development, and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with teachers, whose patient and comprehensive guidance was also well received by parents.

Tripartite talks show the true meaning of education. By allowing students to participate in the talks and express their views, we can better understand their needs and psychological situation. The active participation of parents and the sincere concern of the school builds a closer relationship between the three parties and enhances mutual trust and understanding.



 G6 陈同学妈妈

The most expected meeting at school every year is from the parent school, teachers and students to communicate with each other, and can be the most direct response to the child's learning achievements.

My child has made great progress in his personality in sixth grade, from being shy and bashful in the beginning to integrating very well into his classmates, who laughingly say, "He's adorable when I see him." As a parent, I am very happy that he can still maintain this childish innocence.

Tripartite talks in the spring of April, just as the teenager is the spring crazy growth of mulberry boughs, shaking in the summer ...... Thank you, Ms. Tang patience, love and professional help and guidance, thank you for the school humane and personalized management so that the child very much love to go to school.

 G4 陈同学妈妈

Participating in the tripartite parent-teacher conferences, through the opportunity of face-to-face communication with the teachers and my child, has given me a better understanding of my child's learning situation, and a deeper understanding of the importance of family education, and has made me treasure the communication and cooperation with my family and teachers even more. I believe that as long as we work together, my child will grow up healthily and meet a better future!



Participating in the IB Tripartite Talks, as a classroom teacher, I deeply appreciate the practical significance of the IB educational philosophy. This form of dialog encourages active participation and promotes the development of critical thinking and self-reflection, while deepening the collaboration between home and school to support students' holistic growth.

As a fourth grade math teacher, I learned the importance of deeper communication during the IB tripartite talks. The talks not only improved understanding of students' learning styles, but also emphasized the core value of inquiry-based learning and promoted common understanding and goal alignment among students, parents and teachers.



This tripartite meeting has shortened the distance between me and my students and parents. In the tripartite meeting with parents, the communication between me and the parents was smooth and without any obstacles. In front of the child, I discuss with the parents about the way to guide and educate the child, and together we reach a consensus to support the child's future together.



This parent-teacher conference centered on the learning of Scratchjr programming for Year 1 students and IMovie short film production for Year 2 students, aiming to enhance parents' understanding of their children's growth in the field of science and technology education and to promote in-depth cooperation between home and school. At the same time, the distance between home and school was further narrowed, and parents' sense of recognition and trust in the school's ICT program was strengthened.

ASJ believes that every child can be a success, and will work with parents to help their children grow and lead them to a better future through more ways and means.


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