
MVPA60|香港教育局“跃动校园 活力人生”计划引领佛山ASJ体育热潮

发布者:佛山暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-05-10 08:30:34

跃动校园 活力人生

“Active Students, Active People”

为进一步协助学生建立活跃及健康的生活方式,香港教育局启动「跃动校园 活力人生」计划,希望学校和家长积极支持,营造更理想的校园体育和社会氛围,鼓励学生尽早培养恒常运动的习惯,建立活跃及健康生活方式,展现活力人生和积极的态度。

To further help students develop an active and healthy lifestyle, the Education Bureau (EDB) has launched the "Active Students, Active People" Campaign to encourage schools and parents to support the campaign and create a better sporting and social environment in schools, and encourage students to develop the habit of regular exercise as early as possible, so as to build up an active and healthy lifestyle, and to demonstrate a vibrant life and a positive attitude.


ASJ-Foshan actively participates in the "ASAP" award scheme to promote students to be more physically active in order to meet the recommendations of WHO MVPA60, to consolidate students' knowledge in physical activities, and to enable students to learn about the Chinese culture and develop a national identity through physical activities.


Between December 2023 and April 2024, ASJ-Foshan has completed the tasks of the successful program and has continued to promote the concept of "Physical Education in One", carefully planning diversified sports programs to ensure that students can develop their interests and specialties, and cultivate Hong Kong and Macao students to become healthy, self-confident, and responsible young people in the new era. 



What is MVPA60?



MVPA60 is the WHO's recommendation for children and teenagers between the ages of 5 and 17 to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity, or a combination of equal amounts of lower-intensity physical activity each week. It is designed to help students develop an active and healthy lifestyle.



Sports For Youth,


At ASJ-Foshan, we provide quality and diversified physical education resources for students to develop their physical fitness, including PE courses, ECA, new sports, sports competitions, outdoor sports, partner school exchanges, etc., so that students can reap the benefits of happiness and growth in a positive and healthy physical education atmosphere.

体育课程 PE 









新兴运动 New Sports 



体育比赛 Competitions







户外运动 Outdoor Sports 


伙伴学校交流 Partner School Exchanges 






Exercise is an important part of a student's growth. Through the MVPA60, ASJ-Foshan hopes to guide students to establish a healthy lifestyle and develop positive exercise habits. Let's work hand in hand, ignite our youth with sports, water our dreams with sweat, and move towards a healthier and better future together!


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