

发布者:ISA Wuhan 武汉爱莎 2024-04-07 08:33:08

4月3日上午,英国驻武汉总领事馆投资贸易领事Arvind Norris 先生莅临我校参观交流。

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On the morning of 3rd April, Mr. Arvind Norris, Consul for Investment and Trade of the British Consulate General in Wuhan, visited our school.

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在武汉爱莎教育投资有限公司董事长王浩波、武汉爱莎外籍人员子女学校小学校长Phil Burnage及武汉爱莎教育园区校务长Stanley等校领导陪同下,Norris先生观览了校服商店、高尔夫果岭、国际教育理解工作室、爱莎公益基金办公室等地,并与爱莎公益基金理事长刘平进行亲切交流。

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Accompanied by Mr. Herb Wang, Chairman of ISA Wuhan Education Investment Co., Mr. Phil Burnage, Primary Principal of ISA Wuhan International School, and Mr. Stanley Wong, Director of Facilities and Assets Manage of ISA Wuhan Education, Mr. Norris visited the school uniform shop, the golf course, the International Education and Understanding Workshop, and the office of the ISA Wuhan Charity Found, and had a cordial exchange with its chairman Ms. Ping. 

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Mr. Norris commented that ISA has made great progress in helping the local community in Wuhan, with regular teaching exchanges at Junshan Primary School, a joint “cotton clothing donation” to the Wuhan School for Blind Children, and ecological civilisation protection on the Yangtze River, all of which have attracted widespread and enthusiastic attention and support from the Wuhan international community, giving the community a greater appreciation of the school's vision and goals for learner development. 

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Norris先生在Phil Burnage校长的带领下,深入武汉爱莎外籍人员子女学校教室,亲身感受了充满IB全人教育理念的校园环境与育人方法,对爱莎的办学历程、课程体系、师资团队、外联合作,进行全面细致的了解。

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Led by Principal Phil Burnage, Mr. Norris went into the classrooms of ISA Wuhan International School and had a first-hand experience of the campus environment full of IB holistic education concepts and cultivation methods, as well as a comprehensive and detailed understanding of ISA schooling history, the curriculum system, faculty team and outreach department.

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In the subsequent seminar, Mr. Norris expressed his willingness to help ISA Wuhan to connect with international education resources from the UK, the US, Australia and other countries, and will actively substantiate the academic and research links between ISA and Wuhan's international friendly city - Manchester, and to connect with ISA's international summer school partners; and discuss cooperation projects in the areas of AI technology, unmanned vehicle technology, carbon-neutral projects and other hot topics of international society.

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 “武汉是一座沟洽南北,荟萃中西的千湖之城,给予国际教育发展一片丰沃的土壤。” Norris先生说,:“武汉爱莎是一所科技先行的学校,同时注重IB全人教育,施行的一园多校制为武汉地区的国际化发展提供了新动力,领馆将不遗余力,为武汉爱莎在华中地区的发展添砖加瓦!”

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"Wuhan is a city of a thousand lakes, where North meets South and East meets West, making it a fertile ground for the development of international education." Mr. Norris said, "ISA Wuhan is a high-tech school with a strong focus on IB holistic education, and its multi-school system provides a new impetus for internationalisation in the Wuhan area, and the Consulate will spare no effort in helping ISA Wuhan community to grow in Central China!"

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