
EY4 Transition Day 幼小衔接体验日 | 从熟悉的校园踏上崭新学习之旅

发布者:ISA Liwan 爱莎荔湾 2024-03-11 08:25:14

ISA Liwan EY4 Transition Day


For kindergarten children, smoothly transitioning into elementary school marks a crucial milestone in their developmental journey. There are noticeable differences in mindset, learning habits, and life skills between the kindergarten and elementary school phases. At ISA Liwan, we emphasize fostering the holistic development of children, providing them with maximum support for their growth.


Our close communication between the kindergarten and elementary school departments creates favorable conditions for the children's development, aiding them in a seamless transition from early childhood to primary education. Therefore, on February 27th, ISA Liwan organized the Transition Experience Day, aiming to facilitate a smooth adjustment to the new learning phase through collaborative efforts between home and school.


On Tuesday the 27th of February our EY4 students and parents had a wonderful time visiting the Primary Years program for their transition day. The aim of this day is to allow the EY4 students to become familiar with the PY staff, building, and schedule.


The morning started with a costume parade by the PY staff to welcome the EY4 students and parents into the PY classrooms. 


The Grade 1 students showed the younger children where to put their water bottles and coats then it was time for an English Lesson. 


Mr. Jeffrey shared a story and then the children all played literacy games together, it was great fun!


After a fun outdoor play session, the students got to visit the main canteen for a delicious snack…eating here made the students feel very grown up.


Next up it was time for an art lesson with Miss Tiffany. We reinforced what we already knew about colour names and created some beautiful rainbow collages. 


Our last lesson of the visit was a Chinese lesson where we shared stories and had a good discussion. 


All too soon it was time to say goodbye and the EY4 students returned to the EY department.


ISA Liwan

Making the correct decision for the next stage of your child’s education is very important.  However, one of the great advantages of choosing the ISA Liwan Primary Years program for our current EY4 students is that it provides a seamless transition from one stage of learning to the next.


In Grade 1 the children will build on their previous learning in EY4 without any disruption or changes in curriculum.


Importantly the students already know and love many of the PY teachers and the staff work hard to foster a sense of community across all the departments.


Through the Transition Experience Day, the Early Years children have been introduced to the learning life of Primary in advance, inspiring them to look forward to Primary school life. 


We sincerely hope that, the children will be confident to enter Primary and start a new learning life on a familiar campus.



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