
录取喜报 | 爱莎荔湾学子荣获24枚香港方向录取,获奖学金总值逾千万元!

发布者:ISA Liwan 爱莎荔湾 2024-02-08 08:13:05

Universities Acceptances (Hong Kong, China)


Great news is pouring into ISA Liwan! As of February 7, 2024, the graduating class of ISA Liwan (including 32 students from ISA Liwan Nansha IBDP Programme and 6 students from ISA Liwan A Level Programme) in Guangzhou, China, has received a total of 24 offers from Hong Kong universities, with a cumulative scholarship amount of approximately 13.12 million Hong Kong dollars

一朝飞出虹云端,金榜题名捷报传。爱莎荔湾2024届共38位学子(包括32位荔湾爱莎南沙IBDP项目毕业生及6位荔湾爱莎A Level课程毕业生)在龙年来临之际收获了众多香港梦校喜讯,截至2024年2月7日,爱莎荔湾共收获中国香港方向24枚录取,奖学金共计1312.2万元港币。

This includes 10 offers from the University of Hong Kong, 1 offer from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 5 offers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and 8 offers from the City University of Hong Kong. The admission rate of HKU is as high as 83.3%, and students successfully admitted to the world's top 30 Hong Kong institutions account for one-quarter of the total graduates.


Moreover, students from the  ISA Liwan Nansha IBDP Programme have been admitted to the University of Hong Kong for two consecutive years, with a total of 13 offers, accounting for 22% of the total number of graduates. To date, the cumulative number of admissions from Hong Kong, China, last year and this year accounts for 70% of the total number of graduates.



To date, among students who apply to universities in Hong Kong, those whose results are announced have a 100% acceptance rate. Achieving admissions to these top universities in Hong Kong highlights our students’ outstanding academic performance. Indeed, we are confident that our ISA students will attain admission to more universities and set off on a path towards a brighter future.



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