
欢迎返校 | 中学校长来信

发布者:ISA Science City爱莎科学城 2021-08-27 18:15:25

Welcome from Secondary School

Dear Parents,



On Wednesday, 24 August we held our second Secondary Years’ Family Orientation Day.



This provided a great opportunity for parents both old and new to the school to meet with their child’s homeroom teacher for the year ahead. Visitors could also view some of the changes to the Secondary Building which has been further improved over the summer break.



Parents were briefed on the new start to the year by our Head of School, Mr Dave Edwards as well as by myself as the new Secondary Principal. The school’s unique co-curriculum was explained demonstrating the vast range of choices available to our young people to go beyond the traditional set of school subjects.

在迎新欢迎会上,校长David Edwards先生与我一起向家长详细介绍了在即将到来的新学年中采用的独特课程设置,同时向年轻的学习者们展示了学校在传统学科之外提供的更多课程与项目的选择。


Of course, the start of the academic year brings lots of other changes as well. Visitors were also introduced to new members of the secondary school team which include highly qualified new colleagues from a range of countries across the world. 



After picking up supplies and other equipment in the Sports Hall, families left feeling well-prepared for the year ahead. Parents should now know whom to contact should they need further information, advice or support.



We would like to assure all our families that we are always available to help during school hours and to contact your child’s homeroom teacher or the Personal Assistant to the Secondary Principal, in the first instance.


Steven Pass

Secondary Principal


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Profile 人物介绍

Steven Pass

Secondary Principal


Steven joins our school with more than 30 years of experience in education. This experience includes having worked in a variety of institutions in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Qatar and China.

拥有30余年的教育经验的Steven Pass先生曾任职于英国、新西兰、卡塔尔和中国等不同国家的学校。

Previous roles during Steven’s career thus far have included being a foreign language teacher, Head of Languages Department, Lead Secondary National Strategy Manager, Deputy Head, Director of Studies and Head of Secondary.


Steven has experience leading Secondary Schools undertaking MYP, IGCSE and DP. Steven has spent seven years working in schools in China. In the last two years, his previous school achieved IB DP results well in excess of the world and Chinese averages. This has enabled students to attend some of the top 50 universities in the world.

Steven拥有在名列前茅的优秀中学统筹管理MYP、IGCSE和DP项⽬的经验。加入爱莎科学城之前,Steven已在中国的学校工作了7年。过去的两年,其任职的国际学校毕业生在IB DP(国际文凭大学预科项目)取得的成绩突出,远超中国乃至世界平均水平,令该校部分学生得以被世界前50的名校录取。

图文编辑:Hannah Huang


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