
Year 4 Architecture Project 师说特辑 | 建筑探究学习-爱莎学校由爱莎学子创造

发布者:ISA Tianhe 爱莎天河 2022-05-12 16:47:21


Mitesh Mahasuria

Homeroom Teacher


For the Year 4’s Transdisciplinary Unit – Where We Are in Place and Time, the children began a journey which led to them creating some fantastic persuasive presentations. Students were tasked with researching and designing a new ISA school where they pitched their design to Mr. Josh and Ms. Beth.  

近日,四年级的学生们开启了一段以“我们身处什么时空”为主题的超学科探究单元学习之旅。在这个课题中,学生们的任务是研究和设计一所新的的爱莎学校、准备一个具有说服力的演讲,最后向Beth校长和小学协调员Josh 先生展示他们的探究成果。

The children started the unit by learning what architecture was and studying a variety of buildings and their purposes, throughout the course of history. They looked at Ancient Chinese homes and Skara Brae, a stone-built Neolithic settlement, in Scotland. The children were then told that they would be working in groups to pitch a new ISA school. They created surveys, examined the school to find what things a school needed and the things that they would like their new school to have. 

孩子们学习了有关建筑的知识,对研究历史上各种各样的建筑及其用途充满热情。他们仔细观察了中国古代住宅和苏格兰新石器时代的石砌定居点--- Skara Brae,并开展调研、参观校园、思考建设一所学校所需要的材料和设备,探讨他们理想中的新学校。

This led to the children researching the best materials that would suit the purpose of the location of the school. They also considered the climate and the natural resources that the school could benefit from. Such as using cork or creating vertical gardens. The children then worked in their groups to design and build a model of their proposed school. All of this great work inspired the children to promote their school where they created a brochure.  


The project concluded when the children used their literacy skills to write and present a persuasive pitch of their new ISA School. The final presentations were brilliant. The children spoke with great passion for the school that they had designed, where they all received excellent feedback from Mr. Josh and Ms. Beth for their engaging presentations. 

在这个探究过程中,孩子们不仅锻炼了他们的读写能力,还提升了他们的公众演讲能力,他们的演讲都十分精彩。孩子们对这个设计学校的项目充满了热情, 自信地向Beth校长和小学协调员Josh 先生展示了他们的探究成果,获得了积极的反馈。期待孩子们未来在其他的课题中继续取得优秀的表现!


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