

发布者:ISA Tianhe 爱莎天河 2021-06-30 09:06:43




Explain the John Dewey quote, "Education is life, Education as growth”.



There is a back garden at ISA Tianhe School, where there is greenery, the smell of cauliflower mixed with the earth, and the sounds of birds and insects...


In the CBD of the city, our students can work the land and sow seeds, water, and harvest fruits. They get close to nature, step on the soil, explore different forms of life, and witness the growth process of plants.




On February 23, Hilary, the homeroom teacher of EY4A, put forward a bold idea to the kindergarten department - to build a garden of our own, growing vegetables, herbs and flowers with the children. Her idea received a warm response from everyone, and the plan was quickly put into practice. The teachers and children collected tires, pots and bamboos from around the Redtory. They used their small wheelbarrows and buckets to load stones and soil, and piled them up into "small fields", which was the original appearance of the back garden of ISA Tianhe.

在2 月23 日,EY4A的主班老师Hilary向幼儿园部提出了一个大胆的想法---建立一个属于我们自己的后花园,和孩子们一起种植蔬菜、草本植物和花朵。她的想法受到了大家的热烈响应,计划很快便付诸实践。老师和孩子们就地取材从红专厂周围收集轮胎、罐子和竹子,用他们的小独轮车和水桶装载石头和泥土,堆砌成一块块“小田地”,那是爱莎天河后花园的最初模样。



Spring is the season of life. Our teachers took the children to sow and transplant lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, garlic shallots, mint, basil, green onions, carrots, sunflowers, and some wildflowers. That was the first experience of planting for children. Red and green vegetable seedlings dotted the entire back garden and spring.




Our children wrote the name of their class on the drawing board, and each class has an area that it is responsible for. In the inquiry class, under the guidance of the teacher, the children watered, weeded, observed and recorded. In the environment, so full of vitality, our children's curious nature was liberated. They discovered how the soil nourished life, and initially explored how the world works. They also began to imagine what everything would look like a few weeks later.



     收获 “果实”     

After the spring rain, the sunflowers in our back garden bloomed, and the melon vines were also covered with fruits. Our children rejoiced in the chirping of the birds and the fluttering of the butterflies, and then brought home bags of green onions and leeks. They also loved to pull out one or two carrots a week to see how big the carrots were. In addition to reaping tangible fruits, the children were busy gaining the opportunity to have close contact with nature and increase their knowledge of planting and farming.


The back garden of ISA Tianhe gives children living in the city a chance to get close to nature and witness what is happening here. The wonderful thing about involving children is that they can realize the importance of plants to our planet. When they grow up, they can take action and play a role in defending the future of the planet. No matter how small, at least we are taking action.


Let us embrace nature together!


ISATH 爱莎天河

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