

发布者:不鸣则已 2019-05-15 10:04:18

Our Year 5 students are quickly approaching the final stages of their exhibition projects. After deciding their initial inquiry topics and teaming up with their mentors, they have worked hard to collect information and data to support their research and are now busily deciding and designing what form their final displays will take. Their principled approach to their learning is evident in their reflection on and enthusiasm for their areas of interest and in the responsibility they have shown towards reaching the individual and group goals they have set for themselves. Their work is a reflection of their passions and motivation and of their understanding of what can be achieved through teamwork and collaboration.


The ISA Year 5 PYP Exhibition will be held in the ISA Art Centre on the 23rd of May, which is an excellent opportunity for you to gain an understanding of what the students achieved in the PYP curriculum.


The presentation will be held from 9:00am-12:00pm and all parents will meet in the multipurpose room first. After the performance and introduction, you will be lead to the student groups in the Music Centre. There will be three times of presentation. The three times will be:


· 9.30am – 12 pm

· 2 pm – 3 pm

· 3 pm – 4 pm

From 9.30am till 12 pm, parents are welcome to move around the Exhibition rooms and take photographs.


The event is a wonderful opportunity for you and your child to celebrate the end of their primary studies. There will be opportunities to take professional photos; hence, semi-formal dress might allow you to take advantage of this opportunity. We hope to see you all on the May 23rd.




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