
香港班法语公开示范课|强化语言思维 提升跨文化交际意识

发布者:深圳市华美外国语学校 2021-11-01 10:35:41


强化语言思维 提升跨文化交际意识

Public Demonstration Class of French in Hong Kong

Strengthening Language Thinking and Promoting Cross-cultural Communication Awareness

Hong Kong Class


In order to broaden students' international horizons and cultivate their global competence, this semester, Hong Kong Class of Huamei Foreign Languages School has set up a series of special courses, including French courses, aiming at stimulating students' interest in learning French and enhancing their language thinking ability and cross-cultural communication awareness.


Today, let's enter the interesting French class and feel the charm of French.

课室内,孩子们一个个坐姿端正,神采奕奕。“Bonjour, mes amis!”,老师用法语跟同学们亲切问候,“Bonjour, Lucile!”,孩子们整齐划一,用动听的法语语调向老师问好。

In class, the children sit upright and were in high spirits.


In order to cultivate students' interest in learning French and familiarize them with their own French names, the teacher asked the students to be creative and made their own French famous brands. 

Primary 4 students are making their names' cards carefully


Children created and displayed colorful works with their heart.


The children pronounced French accurately in a loud voice.

“Comment on se salue en chinois ?”(大家知道如何用中文问好吗?),“Comment on se salue en anglais ?”(大家知道如何用英文问好吗?)”,“Alors, comment on se salue en français ?”(那么用法语如何问好呢?),老师通过提问方式引出本堂课教学重点内容,即法语问候语及自我介绍法语表达。

By asking questions, the teacher elicited the key teaching contents of this class, namely, French greetings and self-introduction of French expressions.

老师创设真实的生活情景,引入法语问候语教学。如果同学们在旅游的时候碰到法国人,我们会用法语问候说“Bonjour”;同学们在一起相处学习两个月时间,你们之间可以用“Salut”问候;如果问候他人“你好吗?”,法语表达是“Ça va ?”,情景教学法让学生快速掌握法语问候语的用法。

The teacher created real life scenes and introduced French greeting teaching.


The teacher used task-based teaching method to assign tasks to students, and used the French greetings and self-introduction expressions learned in this class to practice dialogue.


Under the guidance of teachers, children learnt to sing French songs and learnt French pronunciation by imitating songs, which greatly stimulates children's interest in learning.


During the whole class, the students interacted actively, enjoyed it and gained a lot!

文图:郭露 李若清

翻译:赵禹昕 郭露

审核:李功良 钟国基 陈孝春


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