

发布者:教育空间 2022-04-15 18:51:59




After weeks of online

learning and working,

we are finally back on campus!


The Health and Safety of the Harrow Community is the priority during our daily operations. The school has been strictly following pandemic prevention procedures. 




It is so great to come back

and see all the familiar faces

of our friends and peers.


Upcoming events

Swipe left to read English version


抗疫进行时,传承不间断,一年一度的哈罗慈善长跑“Long Ducker”即将重启。

哈罗慈善长跑“Long Ducker”一直以来都是英国哈罗公学的一大传统。每年,哈罗学子、老师、毕业生还有家长们一起,以伦敦市中心的地标大理石拱门为起点,沿着10英里长的约翰·里昂路,跑回哈罗公学。


·         9560公里

·         12,542,720步



大学升学指导 | 学术规划与领航力塑造

高中阶段的学生从九年级开始便需要为升学进行规划,根据大学或专业申请意向了解IGCSE和A Level的课程信息,与老师一起探讨、制定学术目标和进度安排。与此同时,学生的领航力也进一步得到拓展,使知识得到良好的利用,为社会创造更多价值。

哈罗深圳毕业班项目主任Timothy Hall先生将在本次公开课为大家揭秘哈罗深圳高中阶段的教学规划,以及我们是如何帮助学生为大学升学做好学术、思想及品德上的指导与准备的。 


The Long Ducker

We are expecting to have the annual Harrow tradition of ‘Long Ducker’ next week!

The Long Ducker is one of the fund raising traditions taken from the Harrow School in England. Every year at Harrow UK, boys, teachers, Old Harrovians and parents combine to organise and undertake a charity sponsored run, the Long Ducker. Symbolically, it takes place along one of John Lyon’s roads, the Harrow Road from Marble Arch in central London to Harrow.

Being a member of the Harrow family of schools, Harrow Shenzhen held our inaugural Long Ducker last year in May. This year, we are setting the challenge of running the longest Harrow Long Ducker ever. From Monday, 18th April to Sunday, 24th April, the goal is to gain enough steps to travel from Harrow Shenzhen to Harrow London.

- Travelling a distance that is 9,560km

- A total of 12,542,720 steps

Please refer to the communications letter sent by email this week or to the Harrow Shenzhen Smart Campus Platform formore information about how to participate. 

Upper School Parent Workshop

University Preparation
Academic Pathway & Leadership Development

Upper School students must look ahead to their IGCSE and A Level subject choices to get ready for univeristy applications since Year 9. Meanwhile, the Harrow Values and students' Leadership Attributes are further developed.

During this Parent Workshop, Mr. Timothy Hall, Head of Sixth Form, will talk about the academic pathway and leadership development at Harrow Shenzhen - how Upper School Harrovians get ready for university applications. 


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