

发布者:广州市斐特思学校 FCG 2023-03-13 09:22:55

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过去两周的升旗仪式上,广州斐特思中方总校长郑雷女士和外方总校长Jeroen Gakes先生为五位杰出学生颁发了“Industria”徽章。这是斐特思本学期特设的荣誉徽章,用于表彰在校内及校外各领域表现出色、取得优异成绩与奖项的同学。  

During the past two weeks flag-raising ceremony, the Heads of College presented the 'Industria' pins to five outstanding students. 'Industria' is a special pin of honour for students who have achieved exceptional results and awards in various areas, both inside and outside of school.  

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Our motto is industria which is Latin for ‘hard work’ and is symbolised by the bee at the heart of the school crest. Our students are encouraged to develop a growth mindset in all that they do, understanding that they can accomplish great things through perseverance and a willingness to learn from their mistakes.

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To this end, the Industria pin encourages students to be persistent in their pursuit of improvement. We expect students to be engaged, energetic and proactive in their studies and lives and to continuously progress in their pursuit of academic excellence and personal fulfilment.  

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'Industria' Pin Award to

廖倬莹 Anna Liao


Global Honor Roll of Distinction 

(Global Top 1%) of 

American Mathematics Competition (AMC 8) Winner


Mathematics is one of Anna's best subjects, and she enjoys solving mathematics problems. To prepare for the AMC, she prepared by summarising the types of questions and the range of knowledge needed from many previous exams. Anna has developed her confidence by ensuring she only had very few mistakes after completion of all the questions. Anna considers the competition guidance from her mathematics teacher, Ms Ke, and the school atmosphere crucial to her learning outcomes. In the future, Anna still hopes to challenge herself as much as possible in mathematics and explore her potential. 

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AMC数学竞赛历史悠久、国际认可度高,是当今世界上最科学、最权威、最具信誉度的数学学科测试之一。AMC竞赛采用全英文考试,涉及的知识远超出课堂上所学内容 ,获奖是对参赛者的逻辑推理能力、解题能力、和运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力的高度认可。

万思扬 Daniel Wan


Excellent Classical Guitarist





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Daniel has won several awards at the classical guitar competition in the last two years. 

2022 Music Competition Online-OPUS ARTIS PARIS First Prize with Honorable Mention;  

11th China Changsha International Guitar Festival Excellent Prize;  

2022 Shenzhen Bay Guitar Festival Excellent Prize. 

学习古典吉他是万思扬同学自主的选择,他喜爱古典吉他的音色,更享受沉浸在演奏吉他的氛围中。为了保证充足的练习时间,他努力地提高了课业的学习效率。面对有挑战的曲子,万思扬同学总是以最大的热情投入每一次训练。万思扬同学对阶段性的小荣誉感到非常开心,接下来他将挑战重量级的国际赛事,如美国吉他协会(Guitar Foundation of America)的国际比赛,延伸属于他的音乐之路。 

Studying classical guitar is Daniel's own choice. He loves the sound of the classical guitar and enjoys being immersed in the atmosphere of playing it even more. He has worked hard to improve the efficiency of his guitar lessons to ensure sufficient practice time. Daniel is very happy with his small milestones. He will challenge himself to compete in the GFA (Guitar Foundation of America) International Competition to pave and extend his musical path. 

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吴泳萱 Olivia Wu


Determined and Persistent Ballerina






“2022年新加坡 Youth Arts Festival”铜奖;  


Olivia is a young dancer with a passion for ballet and a resolute personality. She started her ballet studies five years ago. With her perseverance and solid skills, she has won many awards in national and international ballet competitions in the past few years.    

2023 UK Royal International Art Competition Dance Professional  

Asian International Art Festival 1st Place;  ;  

2023 Atlantis International Art Competition Silver Award;  

2022 Asian International Art Festival Silver Award;  

2022 Youth Arts Festival Singapore Bronze Award; 

2022 International Dance Competition Spoleto China Competition Spring Preliminary Bronze Medal.  

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Learning ballet is a challenging task. During Olivia's five years of study, she had to spend time every day doing physical training, repeating over and over again the "tedious" basic movements of pointing toes, side splits and front splits. She can spend up to six hours daily in the two months leading up to a major competition. It was heartening to see that Olivia persevered, eventually making her stand out among the many ballet learners. Olivia confidently said, "Unless one day I am old, I will not easily give up dancing; my goal is very clear".  

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张馨泽 Jane Zhang


ASDAN Gold Award Winner


In December 2022, Jane's team won the Gold Award in the ASDAN. As part of the team, Jane played an important role in the roadshow and decision-making stages of the competition. Jane's team chose the highly specialised topic of the new energy economy of drones. It combined it with Tesla's business model and product advantages to innovate, ultimately winning the competition's Gold Award and pulling away from the Silver Award by a wide margin. 

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王圣 Kevin Wang


Exceptional Golfer



Kevin's passion and perseverance in golf over the years have made him an experienced and skilled golfer. Kevin has played in many golf tournaments over the past few years and has won many awards. Kevin has been able to maintain strong conviction and perseverance in the pursuit of his goals and dreams. He has never been satisfied with this but has always maintained his passion for golf and the pursuit of self-improvement.  

Golf courses are very popular among the 70+ co-curricular activities on offer at FCG. From kindergarten to high school, many students participate in the golf course. As well as being able to practice on the sports field, students can practice on the indoor golf simulator. We provide a full range of faculty and equipment support for students who wish to improve in their sport, encouraging them to show their strengths and enjoy the sport.

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The positive recognition and motivation of students' achievements is the spirit of education that Fettes College has inherited for over a century. Fettes College Guangzhou provides students with quality educational resources and individual training programmes to help them realise their values and dreams. At Fettes College Guangzhou, more students will be able to go further on this path of diligence and enterprise to achieve their goals in life.  

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