
认识我们的学生之星 | Meet Our Star Students (3) - Luna and Tian

发布者:东莞TWIS 2020-07-27 16:16:05

While I breathe, I explore, I hope

TWIS学生之星 Star Students


Since the beginning of the school year,  Luna and Tian have been good role models to their peers. They are friendly and incredibly dedicated. From their own reflections and homeroom teachers' comments below, you will find out why they deserve to be considered TWIS Star Students. 


Grade 5 Star Student

Luna 陈乐


I think I’m a Communicator because I always take the initiative to talk to new classmates.

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Learning and working with friends are what I am proud of in school.


ATL (approaches to learning) skills that I have shown this semester are communication and social skills.


During the online learning, teachers were not there to provide school supplies for us to do the projects so we needed to find materials for ourselves but in that case, we could try different possibilities.


Mr. Oliver

班主任老师的评语 Homeroom Teacher Comment


Luna has consistently submitted high-quality work, which demonstrates a credible understanding of the content knowledge and a high level of organization.


Through the UOI (Unit of Inquiry) we have seen common machines, the history of important inventions, making electromagnets, making microphones, and etc. Once again, Luna has been consistent in promptly submitting her work and she always demonstrates a good level of understanding of these concepts. 


In English we have focused on phonics, improving vocabulary, and pronunciation. Luna has demonstrated excellent phonics and she is focusing on vocabulary acquisition at the moment. 


She has also been very helpful in class by helping other students with their pronunciation and their work. This shows good collaboration skills.


Grade 6 Star Student

Tian 曾天晖


I am happy with my performance in the second semester because I have improved some weaknesses but I have to keep working harder to become a good student.


Tian's time capsule created in English class


I have learned a lot of new things from different subjects. In the English class, I learn more English grammar, vocabulary such as the types of houses and housework, and also the cultural differences between Chinese and Western dragons. 

数学和科学课 Math & Science Class


In the Math class, we have learned about angles, lines, conversion units, etc. I think I have done well in Math because I have listened to the teacher. A lot of things learned from this subject will be useful in the future. 


Presentation of writing 

a song review


In the Chinese class, we have learned how to appreciate music and songs and how to write a review to express our feelings. 


French Class

法语课教了许多关于食物、地点和不同动词的新词汇。我学会了不同的句型,比如在动词后面放副词的规则:Je nage bien(我能游得很好)。但是有些副词真的很难,我要好好努力才能记住。

Many new French words about food, places and different actions were taught in the French class. I have learned different sentence patterns such as the rule of placing adverbs after the verb: Je nage bien (I can swim well). But some adverbs I have to work really hard to remember.


We have learned many new skills from different sports. Sometimes I did not listen to the teacher when I already know how to do it but I have to correct this habit and pay attention to the teacher during class.



Ms. Fay

班主任老师的评语 Homeroom Teacher Comment


Tian is a smart and knowledgeable boy in our lovely grade 6 family. He is willing to help anyone in the classroom and caring about everyone in MYP. 


He loves to communicate with students and teachers, which shows that he has solid social communication skills. 


Tian is very engaged in class and participated actively in all activities on campus. He is indeed a risk-taker.


Tian is good at learning languages and enjoys learning the most poetic language: French. His subject teachers agree that he is an engaged and well-behaved student who always finishes the homework on time and with high quality. 


His thinking and self-management skills have improved because he listened to teacher feedback. He is reflective, principled and working towards improving his research skills to benefit his performance as a good student.            


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