
【TWIS 星球大战日 Star Wars Day】

发布者:东莞TWIS 2020-05-16 10:14:44

While I breathe, I explore, I hope



 Star Wars Day  

 A Bit of Fun During these Bleak Moments 


TWIS teachers and students greeted each other last Monday with, “May the fourth be with you”. 

一年级学生的第一节课是在Robert体育老师的指导下,展开了40分钟的卢克·天行者(Luke Skywalker)的绝地武士训练。

The first graders started the day with 40 minutes of intense Luke Skywalker’s Jedi training under the watchful eyes of Mr. Robert, their PE teacher.


Mr. PJ used the Star Wars characters’ height, power, intelligence and ability to teach an Excel lesson on how to create charts, and automatically show comparisons and differences.

我们的图书管理员Leonah老师跟学生阅读了《黑武士达斯·维德和儿子》(Darth Vader and Son)这本图书,并教她的学生如何区分长短母音a。


Our librarian Ms. Leonah read the book titled “Darth Vader and Son” to teach her students about the difference between short ‘a’ and long ‘a’ vowels.

5月4日于2001年被定为《星球大战日》,是因为电影中的经典对白「愿原力与你同在」(May the Force be with you),影迷取其谐音,变成「于5月4日与你同在」May the fourth be with you)。在电影里,这句话是用来祝福人好运的。如今,这一天已经成为世界各地不同文化背景的科幻迷聚首一堂,发挥创意庆祝的日子了。


May the 4th became popular as ‘Star Wars Day’ in 2001 as a play on words of the quote, "May the Force be with you". In the movies, the phrase is used to wish someone good luck.

May 4th is now associated with celebrating the world of science-fiction, unleashing creativity and bringing people together no matter what background they come from.




Teachers and students wore their favorite Star Wars shirts and costumes while on virtual school. First-grader Karson even made his own mask - we all felt that the force was very strong with him and someday he might just become a master Jedi.

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