

发布者:十年树木 2021-09-18 15:13:41

CIS follows the Alberta Learning Guide and the Learning and Technology Policy Framework. According to this framework, the use of technology in schools is encouraged to support students to become engaged thinkers and ethical citizens, with an entrepreneurial spirit. However, it is crucial that technology is used responsibly and consciously. In order to help students’ build this consciousness and sense of responsibility when using Electronic Communication Devices (ECD) and to protect students’ health and well-being, students adhere to the CIS ECD Policy and Procedures.


Responsible Use of Technology


CIS encourages students to use electronic communication devices to enhance learning and support the building of core competencies. However, using ECD at CIS is a privilege, and like all privileges, rules must apply so that results can be achieved. At CIS, our teachers are trained to keep up with the future of technology and change our old mindsets into an open one towards innovation.


Technology will never replace great teachers, but in the hands of great teachers, it’s transformational.

– George Couros


– 乔治·库罗斯

From PreK2 to Grade 12, students are only allowed to use technology if they follow the rules. Simply put, students are allowed to bring personal electronic communication devices such as tablets, iPads, laptops, smart watches or smart phones ONLY if it’s for academic communication or other relevant purposes. 


When using technology for academic purposes, the learning outcomes must be explicitly announced by the teacher/s and must include relevant learning-based activities, examples of which range from internet-based research, email, image search, translation or other clear and teacher-directed uses. If there is no clear purpose, students’ electronic communication devices will be handed to the teacher once students enter the classroom.


Timing also matters. As role models to younger students, secondary students are allowed to use cell phones for personal purposes at designated times, in designated places. Personal usage during any other school time period (including time between classes) is not allowed and requires explicit permission from the teachers. Regulation is key here, and if rules are not followed, there are clear consequences. 


Now, you may be wondering, why not just ban ECD? Everyone else seems to be doing it! Well, in the wise words of John Dewey, ““If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” In this day and age of rapid technological change, technology can improve our quality of life.  If we put a blanket ban on technology, we will not give our students the ability to learn about our new world and improve how it works. Technology provides us with a wealth of data and insight. 

现在,您可能想知道为什么不直接禁止 ECD?其他人似乎都在这样做。用约翰·杜威 (John Dewey) 的话来说,“如果我们今天像昨天教一样教,我们就是在抢夺我们明天的孩子。” 在这个科技日新月异的时代,科技可以改善我们的生活质量。如果我们全面禁止技术,我们将不会让我们的学生有能力了解我们的新世界并改善其运作方式。技术为我们提供了丰富的数据和洞察力。

However, technology can also be distracting at times, which demands of us that we must be more responsible in our management and use of technology.


Guiding CIS Students to Use ECD Appropriately


This year, CIS students and parents have all read and signed the ECD policy. 


CIS has clear structures and frameworks so that all technology users at CIS can develop a healthy and safe relationship with technology.

CIS 具有清晰的结构和框架,因此 CIS 的所有技术用户都可以与技术建立健康、安全的关系。

Moreover, CIS is keen to promote healthy living and an active lifestyle, even with technology surrounding us. One way that CIS does this is through our Intramurals Program. At CIS, lunch times are now extended to one hour for Middle and High School students. The purpose of our Intramurals Program is to further develop our athletics program by running a structured opportunity to practice game and movement, and develop sports skills in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. Intramurals will be linked to athletics; for example, we will start with HS volleyball and MS soccer as those are sports that we play in season one. Different intramurals will be offered throughout the year. Intramurals are fun, inclusive and for everyone, and they will get everyone off their phones too!

此外,CIS 热衷于促进健康的生活和积极的生活方式,即使周围技术为我们提供了极大的便捷。CIS 这样做的一种方式是通过我们的校内计划。由于管理需要,午餐时间现将延长1个小时。这将使我们通过运行现代和结构化的校内计划,来进一步发展我们的体育计划。我们校内项目的目的是通过提供结构化的机会来练习游戏和运动,并在有趣、安全和包容的环境中培养运动技能,从而进一步发展我们的体育项目。校内将与田径运动联系起来;例如,我们将从 HS 排球和 MS 足球开始,因为这些是我们在第一赛季进行的运动。全年将提供不同的校内活动。校内活动很有趣、很包容,也适合每个人,进而让每个人都放下手机参与其中!

Top Tips and Conversation Starters to Encourage Responsible Use of Technology.


CIS spoke to our very own Vice Principal of Secondary and STEAM Lead, Mr. Ted Barks, as to how we can all be responsible technology users at CIS. Here are Mr. Barks’ 5 tips!

在与我们自己的中学副校长兼 STEAM 负责人 Ted Barks 先生交谈后,我们了解到如何在 CIS 中成为负责任的技术用户。这是Barks 先生提供的 5 个小贴士!

  • Technology is a part of all our lives, and it’s here to stay! We must recognize that having technology at school is a privilege. That means sticking to the rules you set up for its use. Remember, rules are there to help you, not hinder you! 

  • 技术是我们生活的一部分。我们必须认识到在学校拥有技术是一种特权。这意味着您需要遵守电子通讯设备使用设置的规则。记住,规则是为了帮助你,而不是阻碍你。

  • Be careful how you use technology, and always use it with purpose. Teachers are here to guide you with this, and respecting its purpose is vital! At CIS, we use technology to learn. If it is not for learning, or if it hurts or embarrasses others, avoid it. 

  • 谨慎使用技术,并始终有意识地使用它。老师会在这里指导您,尊重其目的至关重要!在 CIS,我们使用电子通讯设备来学习。如果不是为了学习,或者如果它伤害或使他人难堪,请避免这种情况。

  • Technology can be excellent for building relationships, making connections and fostering a sense of community at CIS. But as a responsible user, we must know when and how to use it, and these include managing online friendships and setting boundaries. Ask teachers and parents for help if you are not sure. 

  • 技术非常适用于 CIS 建立关系、建立联系和培养社区意识。但作为负责任的用户,我们必须知道何时以及如何使用它,其中包括管理在线友谊和设置界限。如果您不确定,请向老师和家长寻求帮助。

  • What we practice at school should also be practiced at home. If there are rules at CIS for use of technology, then these rules should be followed at home too. CIS urges parents to also monitor their child’s online activities at home just as we do here at school, and to have important discussions with them if you think that boundaries are being crossed. We are partners in your child’s education. 

  • 在家与在校的技术使用应保持一致。如果 CIS 有使用技术的规则,那么这些规则也适用于学生在家。CIS 敦促家长也像我们在学校一样监控孩子在家中的在线活动。在您认为电子通讯设备越界时,与他们进行重要讨论。我们是您孩子教育的合作伙伴。

CIS demonstrates trust, communicates concerns openly and agrees on boundaries with all our students so as to create a healthy and safe relationship with technology. We feel that this is the best way to ensure a satisfactory balance between independence and school rules. CIS expects that parents also do the same. Simply put, it is not practical to expect everyone to simply avoid using technology as it’s here to stay! Technology can indeed take our educational to world new heights if only we do it responsibly! Don’t you agree?

为确保技术使用的健康和安全,CIS 的所作所为诠释了信任,公开交流关切并与我们所有的学生就界限达成一致。我们认为这是在保障学生独立性和学校规则之间取得令人满意的平衡的最佳方式。CIS 期望父母也这样做。简而言之,期望每个人都“一刀切”地不使用技术,这是不切实际的,因为技术终将走向每个人。只要我们负责任地去做,技术确实可以助力我们的教育提升到世界新的高度!你不这么觉得吗?


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