

发布者:深圳南山中加学校SCCSC 2021-09-29 10:33:48


Blue Skies and Brave Conversations

— 深圳(南山)中加学校参加2021圆方国际线上会议

SCCSC attended 2021 Round Square International Virtual Conference

这个9月,以“共护蓝天,勇敢对话”(Blue Skies and Brave Conversations)为主题的2021圆方国际会议在线上召开。9月20日—23日,我校学生代表张婉晴、范家欢、吴少源、刘宛瑾、毕文博、池梓聪、吴鸿鹰、刘盈余、王曦羚和学生处周彦涵老师、加方副校长Greg Smith先生参加了此次会议。

Under the theme of Blue Skies and Brave Conversations’, 2021 International Round Square Online Conference commenced in this September. Student delegates Zhang Wanqing, Fan Jiahuan, Wu Shaoyuan, Liu Wanjin, Bi Wenbo, Chi Zicong, Wu Hongying, Liu Yingyu, Wang Xiling along with the guider teacher, Mrs.Zhou Yanhan, CVP, Mr. Greg Smith attended the conference.



SCCSC participants teamed with delegates from over 200 Round Square member schools all over the world to work in various activities, such as debates, Baraza Group, graffiti design, selfie display wall. 


我校学生张婉晴、范家欢、吴少源作为小组领袖,在会议开始前,进行了六次培训,会议期间,他们有效地组织了Picnic Blanket的破冰活动及Baraza Group的小组讨论活动。尽管英语不是我们的母语,但是这三名同学每次都能在小组成员发表完观点后进行小结,获得了参会代表们的一致好评。

Student delegates Zhang Wanqing, Fan Jiahuan, Wushao Yuan worked as Baraza leaders received tutorials before the conference, in which they have learned how to organize and arrange team members to take part in different activities proficiently. Therefore, in the activity of Picnic Blanket and Baraza Group discussion, they showed their leading skills and held the events successfully in English speaking environment. They also made a great summary after completing the events and received positive feedback from other teammates.




The other 6 members from SCCSC got along well with the foreign delegates after ice breaker activity, at where they shared the environment protection policies in Shenzhen and China as well as the achievements in such fields. Meanwhile, leadership as a hot topic was well discussed within their peer teams.




The 6 members of SCCSC delegation presented a well-designed performance, which was displayed as a short film exhibited in the online virtual theater during the conference.



The feedback from students:




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