
暑假怎么过?How to Spend Summer Holiday?

发布者:成都协同教育集团 2021-06-30 16:12:46


Summer is here, but are you ready? Don't panic. I am not asking if you have lined up all your tutoring sessions and filled every hour of your day studying. However, if you make no plan, you might miss out on a meaningful summer, and after it is over, you will be hit with the anxiety of the missing opportunities.

科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的一项研究经过5 个夏季的跟踪调查发现,一年中学到的知识里,39%可能在一个暑假就被流失了。

A Study from the University of Colorado-Boulder that followed students for 5 summers concluded that 39% of the year's learning could be lost in the summer.


WAIT! DON’T PANIC! You are not lagging behind!

暑期计划并不是要塞满时间,而是要反思自己目前的状态以及想要达成的目标,然后根据这个反思来发展自己。在你疯狂地寻找暑期课程、辅导或夏令营之前,可以根据缩略词 “DO IT” 来帮助你规划的夏天

Summer plan is not about stuffing the time, but understanding where you are and where you'd like to be (generally) and then developing yourself according to that. Before you frantically search for summer programs, tutoring, or camps. Follow the acronym "DO IT + ?" to help plan your summer

■ 总结:过去一年你做了什么并学到了什么;

Debrief about what you did and what you learned this past year; 


Observe what you find interesting/boring; 


Identify areas where you would like to delve deeper;

■ 尝试:寻找可以帮助您在该领域了解更多信息的计划/项目。

Try to find programs/projects that can help you learn more in that area.


Lastly, ask yourself: how can I make it fun?


As a student, there are heaps projects you can come up with.


One student might be doing an art project this summer showing the inner emotions of a teenager. Another student might start a tutoring program in their neighborhood, teaching English to younger children. Yet another might sell handmade crafts as a stree vendor. There are loads of things to do and creative learning opportunities a student could have without the restriction of school location, bell schedule, and multi-subject requirements.

在你回答了“DO IT”的问题并确定了一些具体的事情要做之后,设置一个总体时间表也很有帮助,这样你就能更视觉性地规划你的暑假并且对自己进行监督。

After you answer the "DO IT" questions and land on some specific things to do, it will also be good to set a general time table so that you can know how your summer would look like in the bigger picture as well as keeping yourself accountable with follow-through.

在 CCIS,高中的学生们制定了一些时间表可供大家参看:

At CCIS, high school students are encouraged to make a schedule like some of the following:

你的日程安排不必看起来一定如此,但是当你了解一天中大概会发生什么事时,会很有帮助:露营、旅行、课程、项目,甚至休息和玩耍时间。安排大量时间阅读对夏天也非常有益。顺便说一句,强烈考虑设置一些时间远离电子产品,让自己感到无聊 -- 完全的无聊。谁知道创新的想法是不是就这样冒出来呢!

Your schedule does not have to look like that with specific times, but it can be helpful when you have an idea of which part of the day certain events will take place: camps, trips, classes, projects, or even rest and hangout times. Setting a chunk of time to read books can be very beneficial for the summer as well. By the way, consider setting some time to stay away from electronics and be bored, comepletely bored. Who knows if great ideas can pop up from that!


If you were so patient and got to the bottom of this article, then it’s time to turn off your device and get down with real planning.


Remember, summer is around the corner and you can fully make it fun and meaningful!


文字 | Jean Luo

排版 | Vikey Liu


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