

发布者:成都协同教育集团 2021-04-14 18:13:54

My Teenage Journey - Semester Close Out

我的青春期课程 - 学期完结篇

本周三,我们结束了CCIS 首届青少年心理生理性教育课程。将这个让人“见性变色”的话题开诚布公地跟同学们聊一聊,从正确的渠道了解我们在生长的身体和心理。

This past Wednesday we finished our CCIS first-ever course educating our growing teenagers about Sex: Taking away the taboo and understanding their growing body.


What does it mean to be a girl?


What do boys care about body image? 


How do we go accept our differences through puberty? Friendship? Crush?


Ahhhhhhhh! Why is it so hard to be a teenager?


BUT! We can get through it differently! We can understand our differences, respect them, and accept each other. In the end, we are different for a reason. That is why this world is so diverse and fun.


So is this course really about Sex? YES! But all the more, it’s about accepting ourselves and our differences.


There is more to come next semester. We are going to keep talking about it until it is no longer awkward. My Teenage Journey, here we go!

# 教师寄语 # 

这是CCIS 的第一个青春期课程,后续将会有更多课程推出。我们希望通过这个课程让孩子们正确面对青春期的成长、性、性别等话题,让这些主题不再是让人脸红的敏感话题。我们坚信如果要将学生培养成全面健康的个体,青春期的课程便是必不可少的环节。

— 罗怡敏(升学指导及心理辅导教师

This is the first CCIS Teenage Journey course. Through this course we hope to demystify the topics related with sex, sexuality, purberty and so on. We firmly believe that in order to help prepare our students to be well-rounded individuals in the future, we need to invest in growing the whole person, and caring about the students' teenage growth in this aspect is crutial.

— Jean Luo (Stedunt Adviser)


文字 | Jean Luo

图片 | Nancy Chen

排版 | Vikey Liu


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