
成都协同教育集团 CCIS House | Running Man!

发布者:成都协同教育集团 2021-01-29 09:54:42

欢迎光临 本期主题 CCIS Running Man:)


In order to enhance students’ relationship and practice cooperation skills, CCIS held an interesting game, Running Man, on January 19th, 2021.


The participants of this activity are our dear classmates and hardworking activity planners. This activity is not simple for our activity planners. The planners took up their homework time to discuss and design game rules.


At first, all students gathered at basketball court to go through the rules and to be grouped. After putting on their name card,students started to search Resurrection Card while hiding to protect themselves from being caught.


During the time, some of the students felt very happy and excited while others felt very sorry for getting their best friends out. Some students were discussing to cooperate with other team to get more allies. Some of them were thinking of a strategy for how to make a sneaking attack. 

最终“存活”下来的队伍不多。由Brian同学率领的黄队和Jerry率领的灰队打成了平手。他们要进行最后的对决。两位同学上场,通过一阵激烈的厮杀,最终,在Ms. Luo的倒数声下,Brian费劲了九牛二虎之力,终于把Jerr的牌给撕掉了。这场比赛虽然很激烈,但是同学们都奔跑起来了!非常享受其中。这个活动也教会了我们一个道理:要学会与他人合作,来弥补自己的短板,这样才能存活的更久。

Two groups stayed for the final round, one lead by Brain and other one lead by Jerry Kim. Through 1 vs 1 battle, with Ms. Luo's countdown, Brian teared off Jerry Kim's name card and his team became the winner! Running Man also taught us a truth that cooperation is so important because it makes up weakness, which help us stay longer.


Although activity planners were not able to join in the competition, they participated in the game in a specail way, being judges and announcer. Lastly, thanks to the hard work of the activity planners and the rest of the students! Your efforts and high participation made the game more interesting!

文字 | Austin Hu

图片 | Nancy Chen



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