
起于心,岂止于新 | CCIS新进教师团队

发布者:成都协同教育集团 2020-05-28 17:31:50




英语教师:Adam Calliham

English Teacher: Adam Calliham

Mr. Calliham在美国德宝大学取得音乐表演艺术本科学位,在南加利福利亚大学取得音乐教育艺术硕士学位。

在内布拉斯加州大学博士学习休学期间,Mr. Calliham于2015年作为沈阳朗思顿英语培训中心的学术主任来到中国,之后移居成都,成为成都某知名国际部的校长。

他带领一个外籍教师团队教授AP课程,旨在帮助学生为进入美国前100所大学学习做好准备。Mr. Calliham无论去哪里,都会创造一个有创意的学习环境,他很高兴加入CCIS继续为此做贡献。

Mr. Calliham的中文水平是HSK-3级,与学生和家长沟通良好。他学习汉语的经验也确保了他使用独特的教育方式培养CCIS学生。

Mr. Calliham received his Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance from DePaul University, and his Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of Southern California. 

Suspending his Doctoral Studies at the University of Nebraska, Mr. Calliham came to China in 2015 as Academic Director of Langston English Training Center in Shenyang, and relocated to Chengdu to become Principal of the American Curriculum Center of a Well-known High School.

He led a team of foreign teachers to instruct AP-level curriculum aimed at preparing students for studying abroad at top 100 American universities. Mr. Calliham fosters a creative learning environment wherever he goes and is excited to help do this at Concordia.

He is an HSK-3 level Chinese speaker and communicates well with students and parents. His extensive experience in various Chinese learning environments is an asset to nurturing the unique approach to education found at Concordia.

英语教师:Samuel Kim

English teacher: Samuel Kim

Mr.Sam,英语老师,毕业于美国The Master’s University英语文学和语言专业,拥Tesol证书.曾在国内某知名英语机构担任英语教师,对于英语授课和SAT 课程有相关的经验。


Mr.Sam graduated from The Master's University in the United States, majoring in English literature and language, with TESOL Certificate. Once worked as an English teacher in a well-known English institution in China, with experience in English teaching and SAT related subjects. 

Mr.Sam is proficient in English, Chinese and Korean, and is good at communicating with students.

自然科学教师:Becky Wang

Science Teacher: Becky Wang

Ms.Wang, 毕业于墨尔本大学遗传学专业,拥有教师资格证书,口译二级证书,雅思8分。曾在悉尼某高中担任理科老师3年,后在成都市某知名中学国际部担任化学/生物老师。

课堂上严谨、活泼、风趣,擅长针对初高中学生学习特点,选择合适的教学思路,曾设计与前沿教育理念和生活相结合的教程体系,深受学生欢迎,并独立开发分级测评标准并进行内容设计,在评教结果中获 99%的满意率。

Ms.Wang, graduated from the University of Melbourne, majoring in genetics, with a teacher qualification certificate, interpretation certificate II and IELTS band 8.She has been a science teacher in a high school in Sydney for 3 years, and then a chemistry/biology teacher in the International Department of a prestigious high school in Chengdu.

Rigorous, lively and funny in the classroom, good at choosing appropriate teaching methods according to the learning characteristics of junior and senior high school students. Designed multiple academic programs combining with cutting-edge education concepts and life, which are popular with students.

Independently developed grading evaluation standards and content design, and obtained 99% satisfaction rate in the evaluation results.


Homeroom Tutor: Brenda Hao




Mrs. Hao graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages, where she majored in English and minored in French. Since graduation, she has been an English teacher for six years. She began her career teaching English at reputable training centers in Shenyang, and eventually became a consultant, helping investors open a new chain of training centers. 

Mrs. Hao recently relocated to Chengdu to be the Academic Director of Thomas English School, but left enthusiatically to become part of the unique approach to teaching Concordia offers its students. 

She forms intimate parental relationships and encourages parents to take an interest in their child’s learning inside and outside the classroom.




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