
国旗下的演讲 | Be curious and Keep searching 保持好奇,不断探索

发布者:深圳市博纳学校 2021-10-18 09:50:01













物理老师郑越 Jack

在国旗下鼓励孩子们要“Be curious and Keep searching 保持好奇,不断探索”。

 郑越 Jack 

暨南大学硕士,毕业于国家级重点学科;本科期间绩点4.0+全优保送研究生,两次国家奖学金获得者,于CSSCI核心期刊发表论文数篇,超过七年AP、A level教学经验,教授学生AP满分率超80%,善于化繁为简,帮助学生对核心知识点逐个击破。

Good morning. Today, I want to talk about some of the conversations that I had with my students. A few weeks ago in one of my class, a student said:“ I don't know why my parents will have such a kid like me, I am such a loser. And that's not the first time that I heard him saying that he was a loser. I don't know what he really thinks of himself. But I think what he meant was that,everybody was so much better than him. And a few days ago, One of my other students asked me:“why is my classmate so much smarter than me. Not only is my classmate good at math and English, he is also excellent in sports. Is that because he is smarter than me and I will never, ever be better than him in any possible way? And I always hear some students say :“I'm dumb, why don't I just give up trying altogether? What's the point of learning since all those students are just so much smarter than me?







You know I think intelligence is a real thing. I really dont want to argue against that. But I first want to talk about someone else. I wanna talk about Ivy Deng, who went to UC Berkeley last year from our school. When I first met her, She was not among the most intelligent students, I believe that she had a Toefl score just slightly over 80. And I know another student who has Toefl score of 117 at grade 8. It's very easy to draw the conclusion on intelligence if that's what you're looking at. But how did we know which students will achieve more in the future? How can anybody tell which students will be more successful? Ivy eventually got to 110 and went to Berkeley. How can we know what kind of contribution that she might have in a few decades? And you know, Everybody in the US has better English than I do. Should I believe that everyone in US, even those who lives in the street, is smarter than me? At least some of the skills does not depend on intelligence. You environment matters, your daily activities  matters, your motivations and your will power ,absolutely, matters, a lot.

我认为智力的差异是确实存在的。我对此并没有不同的见解,我想谈论另外一个学生的例子。我要说的是邓骞(Ivy Deng),她在去年从博纳毕业去了加州伯克利。我第一次见到她的时候,她并不在最优秀的学生之列,我知道她的托福仅仅是80分多一点,我知道另外一个学生,在8年级时候就取得了托福117分的成绩。你可以很容易得出她两在智力上的高低,如果仅仅是从你所看到的(托福成绩)的话。


但是,我们怎么知道哪一个学生在将来会取得更大的成就?谁可以说他们谁会取得更大的成功?邓骞(Ivy Deng)最后取得了110分的托福成绩,然后去了加州伯克利。同样,我们也不知道几十年以后,她会取得怎样的成就。



Somebody might say that what if I tried and then I fail. Then everybody will be laughing at me because I tried and I achieve nothing. Actually, I sometimes will have this kind of conversation with myself. You don’t know how many times I told myself I was just bad at public speech, that I would get nervous and fail. And by the end of the day, everybody will be laughing at me. But the truth is, nobody even care. The only consequence that I fail is that there is no consequence at all. Nobody remember what I said the other day. Nobody will remember how many times you take the Toefl test and how badly you fail. just pay more money to ETS. But If you always argue for your limitations, saying that you will fail, then you will be able to keep those limitations. Why would you want to keep them? 





At last, I want to talk about another thing about myself recently. You know, on the other day I listened to an audio book when i was driving and one of the author is called Elizabeth Gilbert. she used to read her own book to the audience.  As I listen to her book in the car, I couldn't help thinking that her voice was so wonderful, it is so comforting and so insightful. I didn't even know that English could be so good to hear. So I listened the very same book several more times.I think I could sometimes even act in the way as she suggested. If my objective is to learn English, I probably would have learned every single word in this book. What I mean is, sometimes we need to find out a way to game the system. Find something you love and everything will not be so difficult.  And I think it is our innate ability to find something we like. Pay attention to your class, Be curious and Keep searching.  Thank you.


*致谢:感谢郑越Jack 老师的演讲,演讲稿为郑老师原创,未经授权,禁止转载。


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