
AXIS Primary Spring Admissions 长菁小学部春季招生

发布者:AXIS 厦门长菁外籍人员子女学校 2024-01-30 08:12:10

AXIS Primary Spring Admissions 


Pedagogy and Philosophy

The primary pedagogical approach of the PYP supports students to be actively involved in their learning and take responsibility for that learning. Inquiry is the process that moves the students to a new and deeper level of understanding. Inquiry can take many forms:

o   Exploring, curiosity, and questioning

o   Making connections between previous and current learning

o   Collecting data and reporting findings

o   Deepening understanding through the application of concepts

o   Making and testing theories

o   Researching and seeking information

o   Taking and defending a position

o   Solving problems in a variety of ways




o   探索、好奇心和提问

o   将之前学习和当前学习进行联系 

o   收集数据并报告发现

o   通过应用概念来加深理解 

o   建立和测试理论 

o   进行研究和寻求信息 

o   表达并捍卫一个立场

o   以多种方式解决问题


IB PYP Framework 

     o   6 Themes

  • Who We Are

  • How We Express Ourselves

  • Where We Are In Place and Time

  • How the World Works

  • How We Organize Ourselves

  • Sharing the Planet


IB PYP 课程框架

     o   6大主题

  • 我们是谁

  • 我们如何表达自己

  • 我们在时间和空间中的位置

  • 世界如何运转

  • 我们如何组织自己

  • 共享地球

      o   Learner’s Profile


      o   PYP Exhibition (PYPX)


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In the final year of the PYP, Grade 5, students participate in a culminating inquiry, the PYP Exhibition. This requires each student to demonstrate engagement with the five essential elements of the programme:  knowledge, approaches to learning skills, concepts, attitudes, and action. It is both a transdisciplinary inquiry conducted in the spirit of personal and shared responsibility, as well as a summative assessment activity that is a celebration and rite of passage from Primary School to Secondary School. The exhibition occurs within the sixth unit of inquiry, and while all students work under the same theme, students and groups develop their own central idea and lines of inquiry according to their personal passions and interests, from which they form their own central ideas and lines of inquiry.


 Subject Standards 


o   Common Core State Standards: Math, Language Arts

o   Next Generation Science Standards: Science

o   C3: Social Studies

o   National Core Arts Standards: Arts


o   Chinese PRC national curriculum and standards: Chinese

o  美国国家共同核心标准:数学、英语语言艺术

o  下一代科学标准:科学

o  C3: 社会学研究

o  国家核心艺术标准(艺术)

o  SHAPE:体育

o  中国国家中小学课程标准:中文

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  Literacy – Lucy Calkins Reader Writers Workshop

      识字 - Lucy Calkins 读者和作家工作坊

Developed by Lucy Calkins and her colleagues at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, this workshop model is designed to create a supportive and student-centered environment for developing strong reading and writing skills. 

The workshop emphasizes the importance of choice, independence, and authentic experiences in both reading and writing. Students engage in mini-lessons, conferencing, and collaborative activities, fostering a community of learners who actively participate in the literacy process. The workshop's framework empowers students to become confident and proficient readers and writers by focusing on meaningful, personalized instruction tailored to their individual needs and interests.




  Math – Singapore Math in alignment with Common Core 

      数学 - 新加坡数学与共同核心标准相结合

Singapore Math, aligned with the U.S. Common Core State Standards, employs a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, fostering a gradual understanding of mathematical concepts. Emphasizing problem-solving and critical thinking, the curriculum prioritizes comprehension over rote memorization. Its focus on mastery and coherence aligns seamlessly with the Common Core's objective of building a strong mathematical foundation. 

Singapore Math's emphasis on real-world applications ensures students develop analytical skills, meeting the standards set by Common Core. In summary, Singapore Math provides a comprehensive framework that effectively supports and complements the goals of the U.S. Common Core State Standards in mathematics education.




 EAL Support


EAL is a language support program for non-native English speakers. EAL teachers support students through a mainstream content-based program. Teachers at AXIS are EAL specialists. We ensure that students who are still acquiring English as an academic language have the necessary scaffolds to support content-area learning.


Specialist Classes


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Teachers Video: Please subscribe to the AXIS WeChat Video Account


After School Activities (ASAs)


o   AXIS endeavors to offer a balance of co-curricular activities across the following areas: Creativity, Activity, Service and STEAM.

o   ASAs run every day from Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

o   ASAs include but are not limited to the following:

  • Rock-climbing

  • Hydroponics

  • Sketching

  • Drama

  • Skateboarding

  • Archery

  • Coding

  • Homework club

o   长菁努力提供种类相对平衡的课外活动,包括了“创造力、活动类、服务类和STEAM类”这些类别领域。

o   课后活动课的时间为每周一至周五,下午3:30-4:30。

o   课后活动课包括但不限于以下活动:

  • 攀岩

  • 水培

  • 素描

  • 戏剧

  • 滑板

  • 射箭

  • 编程

  • 作业俱乐部





“This playground and sports equipment are essential for children. In terms of socialization, it is an opportunity to collaborate and play on things collectively. It allows children to take safe risks in a secure environment. So this playground is beneficial for students’ well-being and their better understanding of the environment around them.” Said Mr. Rob, our Primary Assistant Principal.


“这个游乐场地和游乐设施对于孩子们来说必不可少。就社会化而言,他们能够在这里一起玩耍,收获集体活动的机会。同时,能够让他们在一个安全的环境里尝试冒险和挑战。所以,这里不仅能够加强身体锻炼,有利于学生的健康,也有利于更好地去了解和探索自己周边的环境和事物。” 小学部副校长Mr. Rob说到。

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Our Mission:

Achieve Xiamen International School strives to empower students to be effective communicators, caring and self-confident individuals, who are committed to being globally-minded lifelong learners.




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