
Student Voice at LEH 听学生所思,解学生所惑

发布者:LEHF佛山霍利斯国际学校 2021-04-17 12:52:36

“LEH Foshan is a new International School in the Greater Bay area which believes that the key to helping students progress is through actively listening to them”


All staff at LEH Foshan believe passionately that for us to best serve our students in making exceptional progress is through listening to them and involving them in the learning journey.



As a school, we involve our students in everything we do from individual lessons to what activities they would like to take part in during extracurricular time. Involving the students in key decisions means we can tailor what we do to best suit our amazing students.



In lessons, teachers always establish a starting point so they can understand a student’s prior knowledge and then know how to build upon it. The learning in lessons is personalised to each student so that their needs are met effectively. There is no wasted learning as each student gets a personal service which considers their ability and targets to improve. These targets are shared and discussed with students so that these are owned by the students. We believe that this transparency harnesses a student’s passion!


Outside of lessons, we gather information on students through a termly online questionnaire. This is part of our “Student Voice Programme”. Below is an extract from this questionnaire.








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This is completed through Microsoft Teams and students are encouraged to be as honest as they can. Honesty means improvements can be made that are exactly what our students need. These questionnaires focus carefully on asking about how students are enjoying the lessons, how interesting they are and how easy they are to access and understand (all lessons are delivered in English by UK qualified teachers).

学生可以在Microsoft Teams填写问卷,我们希望学生能够真诚地回答这些问题,这样才能帮助学校更好地满足学生的切实所需。本份问卷主要聚焦于学生的课堂体验:学生是否享受课堂,是否能充分理解老师讲授的内容(所有课程均由英国专业教师进行全英授课)。


In addition to asking about the lessons, we believe that it is crucial to assess how our students’ wellbeing is as well. After all, a happy student is a motivated student.



Once these questionnaires are completed, the data is shared and discussed with the staff in an open forum where we ask what are we doing well and what can we do to improve school for our students.



This information will also make its way to our Student Council which is made up of a cross div of elected students who represent all the year groups at the school. Their thoughts are extremely important as well.



We like to think that it is the students who help run our school. This helps them become better citizens for tomorrow.



Darren Cowan

Head of Humanities and House Master at LEH Foshan


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