
体验升学,学生们为新的学习阶段做好准备 Transitioning to New Academic Stages at LEHF

发布者:LEHF佛山霍利斯国际学校 2024-06-24 08:25:08

本周,佛山霍利斯举办“升学体验”活动,给准备入读预备部二年级、从六年级升读七年级,以及从IGCSE升读A Level的学生提前体验新学年的课程和校园生活节奏。其中除了有我们在读的学生,还有即将在8月份加入我校的新生。这一天充满欢乐和期待,让学生们为即将迎来的校园生活做好准备。

Dr Kirk


进入二年级,或从预备部升入中学,抑或是从IGCSE升读A Level阶段,这都给学生和家长们带来了兴奋和挑战。我们希望通过升学体验过渡活动,帮助学生们,无论小学生还是中学生,无论是新生还是在读学生,都能够为他们下一个学习阶段做好准备、获得充分信息,并充满热情和期待。我们欢迎学生们进入新的班级,并鼓励他们抓住每一个机会提出问题,探索他们未来的可能性。



对于即将加入佛山霍利斯,升读二年级的新学生来说,接下来的二年级校园生活是他们学习旅程中的一个重要节点。升学体验活动当天,在预备部主任Ms Bateman和二年级老师Ms Wilkinson 和Mr Lodge 的热情欢迎下,学生们体验了我校二年级的英式课程,令教室里充满了活力与兴奋。


Ms Wilkinson 和Mr Lodge很高兴跟新生们见面,并说:














迎接A Level的学术挑战

对于即将从IGCSE升入A Level的学生来说,佛山霍利斯提供了整整一周的时间,让他们可以深入了解和体验所选择的科目。这段时间让学生们能够沉浸在他们感兴趣的课程中,详细了解每门科目的挑战和机遇。



在这一周中,学生们接触到了A Level课程中更加高深的学术内容,这种深入的探索帮助他们对A Level科目的最终选择做出更为明智的决策。这对他们未来的学术道路至关重要。相信升学体验周能让学生们带着自信和充分的准备迎接他们在12年级的新旅程。



12-13年级主任 Mrs Kirk 分享说:

对于即将进入12年级的学生来说,升学体验周是他们学术旅程中的关键一步。看到学生们深入探索他们选择的科目中,开始建立他们在A Level学习所需的技能,这真是令人鼓舞。这一周为他们在充满挑战但也充满收获的12-13年级生活奠定了坚实的基础。




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This week at LEH International School Foshan, excitement was in the air as we hosted our Transition event. This special event welcomed students, not only our current students but also new students joining us this August, stepping into new academic chapters: Year 2, Year 6 moving up to Year 7, and IGCSE students progressing into A Levels in the Sixth Form. It was filled with anticipation, joy, and a glimpse into the future for our learners.

Dr Kirk

Head of Academics 

Starting in Year 2, moving from Prep to Secondary or leaving the compulsory stage of a British Curriculum education bring excitement and challenges to all students – and parents! We hope that our transition activities help to prepare, inform and enthuse our students, young and old, new and current, for the next stage in their education. We welcome students into their new classes and encourage them to take every opportunity to ask questions and explore what lies ahead for them.

Embracing New Horizons

in Year 2

For our youngest participants, moving into Year 2 marks a significant step in their learning journey. The day started with a warm welcome from Ms Bateman, Head of Prep, and their new teachers, Ms Wilkinson and Mr Lodge. The classrooms, buzzing with energy and excitement, soon became places of discovery and fun.

Students engaged in activities designed to spark their curiosity and help them feel at home. They listened to enchanting stories that took their imaginations on fantastic journeys and created vibrant art pieces. These activities not only introduced them to their new environment but also helped them begin forming bonds with their new classmates and teachers, setting a positive tone for the year ahead.

Ms Wilkinson and Mr Lodge were excited to meet the new students:

It was wonderful to meet our new Year 2 students and they have great curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. We are both excited to teach them in the year ahead!

A Leap into Secondary School 

for Year 6

Transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 is a significant leap, and our dedicated team at LEH Foshan ensured it was both exciting and seamless. The day focused on exploration and orientation, offering ample opportunities for our soon-to-be secondary students to become familiar with their new surroundings.




Students got a taste of the diverse subjects they will be diving into, from hands-on science experiments to engaging humanities lessons, as well as a broad range of extra-curricular activities with the secondary students. They began to understand the daily rhythm of Secondary School life, setting the stage for new adventures and discoveries.


ECAs: Talk Your Head Off & Film Club 

Year 6 student Max shared his experience:

Transition Day really helped me feel ready for Year 7. I loved meeting my new teachers and exploring all the cool subjects. I can’t wait to start Year 7!

Stepping Up to A Levels: 

A New Academic Chapter

For our IGCSE students moving up to A Levels, LEH Foshan provides more than one day - a full week - to explore potential subjects in depth. This extended period allows students to immerse themselves in the courses they are considering, giving them a comprehensive understanding of each subject’s challenges and opportunities.



Throughout the week, they engage with advanced course material. This thorough exploration ensures that they make informed choices about their A Level subjects, which are crucial for their future academic paths. By the end, students are confident and well-prepared for their exciting journey in the Sixth Form.


Design and Technology

Mrs Kirk, Head of Sixth Form was impressed with our students' engagement and said:

Transition Week for our prospective Sixth Formers is a crucial step in their journey. It’s inspiring to see students engage with their chosen subjects in a meaningful way and start building the skills they’ll need for A Levels. This week sets the foundation for their success in the challenging yet rewarding Sixth Form experience ahead.

New Beginnings 


As the Transition event concluded, our students left with a clearer vision and renewed excitement for the journey ahead. This thoughtful approach ensures they are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of their new academic stages at LEH Foshan, setting the tone for a successful year ahead. We are looking forward to seeing them grow and thrive in their new environments. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead at LEH Foshan!


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