
AIC 2021-2022年第一学期 | 学生艺术展!

发布者:广州亚加达国际预科 2021-12-17 18:03:14

AIC 2022学年第一期即将进入尾声, 我校艺术部举办了一个「学生艺术展」。此次展览展出了300多件艺术品,包括素描、油画、多边形雕塑、马赛克和版画。

We have a student art exhibition in the art department to celebrate the end of our first semester. More than 300 artworks are on display, including drawing, painting, polygon sculpture, mosaic and printmaking.

我们的驻场艺术家Mahdi说: “在这个学期,我专注于培养学生的技能和知识, 学生们一直在学习如何使用不同的媒介制作艺术品”。


" In this semester, I have focused on building students' skills and knowledge", said The Artist in Residence of AIC, Mahdi. "The students have been learning how to use different art supplies and make artworks".

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IGCSE1 students know the meaning of still life and learned how to use pencil, watercolour and coloured pencil to draw still life. They have also learned about the colour wheel and other elements of design.

GCSE2 的学生了解著名的现代艺术家 Lyn Chadwick 及其作品。他们还学习了如何制作纸雕、如何将 2D 转换为 3D 形式、如何制作多边形雕塑并将他们的作品与工业设计联系起来。此外,IGCSE2 的学生上过马赛克课并学习了颜色。

IGCSE2 students know about famous modern artist Lyn Chadwick and his artworks. They have also learned how to make paper sculptures, convert 2D to 3D forms, and make polygon sculptures and connect their artworks to industrial design. In addition, IGCSE2 students had mosaic class and have learned about colour.

Mahdi说: “两组学生都学习了油毡印刷来设计包装纸、书籍封面、礼品卡、盘子、勺子、杯子等。他们现在准备参加省级或全国性的艺术比赛“。

Both groups of students have learned linocut printing to design wrapping paper, book covers, gift cards, plates, spoons, cups, etc. “They are ready to attend provincial or national art competitions now," says Mahdi.

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The time has been too short to learn everything about art, but IGCSE1 and IGCSE2 students have worked hard and done their best in their art classes. So, we can see many good artworks, even better than some university students.



In addition to IGCSE1 and 2 students' artworks, we can see some paintings and print makings of DP1 and DP2 students in this exhibition. 

Students were excited to see their artworks in an exhibition: it will encourage them to enjoy art classes.

The Arts Department is receiving visitors for the exhibition's duration.


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