
【Prefect System】沿袭百年全人教育经典,爱莎版霍格沃茨“级长制”,正式成立!

发布者:ISA Wuhan 武汉爱莎 2024-05-07 08:21:39


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On April 27th, seven high school students from ISA Wuhan International School were selected as prefects and participated in the school's inaugural Prefect Oath-Taking Ceremony. They received special Prefects' badges and ribbons from the Head of School, Mahesh Selvaraj, amid cheers from the entire school.

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What is the Prefect System?



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What is the Prefect System? For those of you who have read the Harry Potter series, you may be familiar with the fact that everyone from Headmaster Dumbledore to Professor Lupin to Ron's Weasley brothers has served as Hogwarts Prefects. They are not only the best among their peers and role models for younger students, but they also serve as the "leaders" of the school.

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Prefects are student leaders of the entire school. They guide new students during the opening ceremony, organize student activities, complete tasks assigned by the Head of School, and serve as the "Disciplinary Officer" or President of the Student Council. This centuries-old British system of holistic education is faithfully upheld and developed at ISA Wuhan, where students who successfully assume the position of Prefects are responsible for overseeing five departments: Communication and Digital, Service-Learning, CCA & ECA, Boarding Management, and Global Citizenship.

They collaborate and support one another, and under the leadership of the Head Boy/Head Girl, they develop valuable leadership skills that may prepare them for future leadership roles within the school.

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ISAWHIS Prefects List


Head Boy & Service-Learning Senior Prefect



G11 Sebastian

Head Girl & Communication and Digital Prefect



G11 Josephine

Service-Learning Junior Prefect


G8 Lucas

Boarding Senior Prefect


G11 Aaron

Boarding Junior Prefect


G10 Celina

Global Citizenship Junior Prefect


G10 Audrey

CCA & ECA Prefect


G8 Grace


Prefects' Duties















Communication and Digital Prefect:

Mastering the art of effective communication and leveraging digital media to amplify our school's voice.

Service-Learning Senior Prefect:

Leading impactful service initiatives that instill empathy and compassion in our student body.

Service-Learning Junior Prefect:

Supporting senior prefects in organizing and executing meaningful service projects.

Boarding Senior Prefect:

Ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment for our boarding students.

Boarding Junior Prefect:

Assisting senior prefects in fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among boarders.

Global Citizenship Junior Prefect:

Promoting cultural awareness and global perspectives among peers.

CCA & ECA Prefect:

Enriching student life through a vibrant array of cocurricular and extracurricular activities.

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How's ISAWHIS Prefects System



在学校,我们深知培养领导力不仅仅是为学生安排任务,而是为学生提供一个发掘潜能、张扬个性的平台。"级长制 "的设立得以为学生提供了一个发现自我,为所在社区带来积极变化的成长之旅。

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In the heart of Wuhan, ISA Wuhan International School stands as a beacon of educational excellence, guided by a profound philosophy: "Every Child is Unique." This foundational belief permeates every aspect of our school, including our innovative Prefect system, designed not only to empower but to shape the leaders of tomorrow.

At ISA Wuhan, we understand that nurturing leadership isn't just about assigning roles; it's about providing a platform for students to discover their potential and embrace their individuality. Our Prefect system embodies this ethos, offering students a transformative journey towards self-discovery and community impact.

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How we select our Prefects?




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The process of selecting our Prefects is as rigorous as it is enlightening. Students interested in becoming Prefects embark on a journey of self-reflection and aspiration. They craft personal statements that articulate their visions and missions for the role, inspiring staff members to act as their referees. This collaborative process encourages students to develop clarity in their goals and passion for leadership.

The Prefect application process culminates in interviews with the school's leadership team, where students could showcase their readiness and enthusiasm for their desired roles. This comprehensive selection process not only ensures that the best candidates are chosen but also fosters essential skills such as confidence, communication, and resilience - qualities vital for success in today's dynamic world.

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Once appointed, Prefects take on roles that reflect their passions and strengths. Led by the Head Boy and Head Girl, who epitomize visionary leadership, our Prefects represent a diverse array of talents and interests.

Each Prefect role is not merely a responsibility; it's an opportunity for personal growth, teamwork, and innovation. By engaging in weekly discussions with our school's leadership team, Prefects hone critical skills in decision making, problem solving, and collaboration skills that will serve them well beyond their academic years.

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What does it means when becoming Prefects?



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The Prefect system at ISA Wuhan International School isn't just about titles and tasks; it's about instilling a sense of purpose and pride in our students. Through this transformative experience, students learn to lead with passion, empathy, and a commitment to excellence.

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At ISA Wuhan, our Prefects don't just shine; they illuminate the path for others to follow, embodying the spirit of our school's philosophy because at ISA Wuhan International School, every child truly is unique. 

Congratulations to the outstanding students who were selected for the inaugural ISA Prefects. The future is bright and the school will work with you to build a more harmonious and better campus.

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