
法拉古特人物志 l “找不到答案的时候,就先找自己”

发布者:法拉古特 2024-05-08 09:06:40

Hannah Li,



Hannah Li,

a graduate of the class of 2024 at Farragut,

has been admitted to University of Washington /NYU...


Today, our story comes from Hannah, a girl eager to study sociology. Despite facing a full rejection during the Early Decision (ED) phase, she eventually secured admission to renowned universities like the University of Washington (UW) and New York University (NYU) during the Regular Decision (RD) phase.

The World is So Big, I Want to See It



When I was in middle school, I accidentally came across a video by ElenaLin_青青 on how to use an iPad for paperless learning, which made me realize, "There are such interesting and fresh ways to learn!" Visiting her homepage, I was deeply attracted by her book-sharing series and study habit series, but what fascinated me the most were her study vlogs, which were incredibly healing and inspiring.


It can be said that ElenaLin and other content creators like 二二酸酸 (Er Er Suan Suan) and Claire荆 (Claire Jing) have ignited my inspiration for learning and given me the initial desire to study abroad.


However, this decision was not easy. Due to the pandemic, family income was not promising. My study abroad plan brought additional expenses to the family. Looking back, I might have been a bit willful at the time, but I am very grateful to have accepted and adapted to international education early on. This has laid a solid foundation for my eventual university admission.


I am sincerely grateful for the continuous support and dedication of my family, which has given me the opportunity to complete three years of international education.

I Love It Here for Many Reasons



After deciding to study abroad, considering Farragut's academic reputation, educational philosophy, curriculum, and geographical location, especially after listening to the principal's presentation on the open day, I decided to stop considering other schools and come here to study.


It turned out that from the sophomore year, the school implemented a teaching model similar to that of a real American high school: allowing us to choose between Standard, Honor, or AP courses based on our abilities, which gives students a great deal of freedom.


The small class size allows us to have more opportunities to discuss with teachers, and teachers give more attention to each student. The homeroom teacher is like our "parent," and we are the teacher's "children." I deeply feel that school is not just about studying but also about the company of classmates and teachers.


In addition, at different stages of the three years, the principal and teachers of Farragut School have created many opportunities for us and given us great flexibility to do what we like, to create our own clubs, to carry out activities, and to utilize our strengths.


The reason I am happy here is that I enjoy the atmosphere of being with classmates. Because our goals are very similar, it is easy to make friends here. We study together, and in our free time, we expand our hobbies together. At this stage, I often dance with friends from my class, becoming each other's motivation to learn. I used to really dislike talking, but now I talk more with my classmates and feel very happy at school.


Me and my good friends

  A Few Tips on Studying



I still remember clearly that when I transferred halfway through and received my ESOL textbook on the first day at Farragut, I found many unfamiliar words in the book. The first time I listened to a foreign teacher's biology lecture, I spent the class crying. "Not keeping up with the pace" and "not understanding anything" troubled me.


 "How can I quickly adapt to this pace?"


I spent a lot of time catching up, memorizing words, and doing exercises to prepare for the mid-term exam a month later. In the end, I achieved second place in the physics mid-term exam that I used to dread the most, and my grades in other subjects gradually caught up.


Studying Moments


"How did I catch up and plan my high school years?"


During the sophomore phase, my main goal was to overcome language proficiency, that is, TOEFL - the "threshold" and language tool for university admission. In the sophomore year, I tried to participate in events like the Harvard Summit, which would give me a preliminary understanding of the major I wanted to study in the future.


In the junior year, I focused on AP studies and more advanced activities and competitions: that year, I participated in the NEC and summer schools, and achieved the best language scores possible for university applications.


In the senior phase, I began to explore my true interests and prepared for the upcoming university life. I learned and cultivated more hobbies, in addition to singing and playing the piano, which I have loved since I was a child, as well as golf and dancing. This will make it easier for me to find common topics and interests with new classmates in the future.

我没有固定的timetable,我一般用to-do list。因为我的计划经常被打乱,所以把每天要干的事情列成一个list,按照我当下的心情陆续完成任务。

I don't have a fixed timetable; I usually use a to-do list. Because my plans are often disrupted, I list the things I need to do each day and complete the tasks in order of my current mood.

  A 14-Year Hobby and Persistence



I started learning the piano at the age of 4 and have been dedicated and consistent in my practice for nearly 14 years. Playing the piano has cultivated my spirit of perseverance.


When I was a child, I was completely unwilling to practice the piano, and sitting in front of the piano for two hours every day was undoubtedly a torment for me. However, I have now found the motivation to play the piano. Growing up, I participated in many piano competitions and performances and won many awards, gaining much recognition.

左:首次参加钢琴比赛获奖 右:和陪伴我很久的钢琴老师在一起

Left: Winning an award in my first piano competition

Right: With my piano teacher who has been with me for a long time


Eighth Asia-Oceania International Youth Arts Festival Piano Silver Award


Photos of piano performances


Many people's impression of me might be "having a good singing voice." But in fact, it was not until elementary school that music teachers were surprised to discover my talent in singing. I highly recommend that students participate in more clubs at school, where they might discover a surprising interest and talent.


Participating in a film and classic song event held 

by Tianjin Opera and Dance Theatre


Attending social events with my mother


Participating in the 20th anniversary event of my primary and middle school

来到法拉古特后,我很快加入了音乐社和 AFA Melody Choir校合唱团,展现了自己的声乐和钢琴才能,参加了学校组织的许多活动,包括双旦嘉年华、万圣节活动和公益活动演出。今年,我还首次跟同学们一起进行食堂快闪,在毕业典礼即将来临之际,我首次尝试组建乐队,请期待我们的亮相吧!

After coming to Farragut, I quickly joined the music club and the AFA Melody Choir, showcasing my vocal and piano talents, and participated in many school-organized activities, including the Christmas and New Year Carnival, Halloween events, and charity performances. This year, I also made my first attempt to do a flash mob in the canteen with my classmates, and as the graduation ceremony approaches, I am trying to form a band for the first time. Please look forward to our debut!


Cafeteria "flash mob" event


Participating in Halloween events


Participating in events at Tianjin Juilliard School of Music


While participating in various activities, I also created my personal account on social platforms and WeChat video accounts, posting my cover works, hoping to spread my love for music to more people.


Come, let's follow each other!

Searching for My Heart's Desire 

in the Vast Field of Professions



In fact, as a high school freshman, I was very confused about the future and was always looking for direction through the process of elimination. But should I follow my parents or my heart?

在专业选择上,家庭本希望我学习经济专业。所以我最初参加过NEC全美经济大赛,并报考AP微观经济和宏观经济。但参加了活动后,我意识到家里人对经济的看法是错误的,他们所谓的“经济”,其实是商科。于是,我又陆续参加了SBP商赛、哈佛峰会、哥伦比亚大学线上金融夏校等。尽管在SBC获得第三名,又在哈佛峰会获得总gpa3.94的honor student荣誉称号,但是我知道,我对经济和商科并不感兴趣。

In terms of major selection, my family originally hoped that I would study economics. So, I initially participated in the NEC (National Economics Challenge) and took AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. However, after participating in the event, I realized that my family's view of economics was wrong; what they called "economics" was actually business. Then, I successively participated in the SBP (Student Business Project) competition, the Harvard Summit, and the Columbia University online financial summer school. Although I won third place in the SBP and received the honor student title with a total GPA of 3.94 at the Harvard Summit, I knew that I was not interested in economics and business.


Participating in SBP and winning third place nationwide


Attending the Harvard Summit


Records of works from the Harvard Summit, CTB (China Thinks Big), and ASDAN (Academy of Skills Development, Assessment, and New Opportunities) Brand Creativity and Public Relations Planning

ASDAN designing thinking品牌创意与公关策划

ASDAN Design Thinking Brand Creativity and Public Relations Planning


"I think I should follow my heart."


By chance, I discovered my interest in social issues and mental health and began to pay attention to school bullying incidents, which officially marked my steps in paying attention to and participating in a series of sociological practices, and also laid the foundation for my desire to study sociology.


I participated in the psychological micro-film production by senior Maggie, which gave me a preliminary understanding of psychology and film.


Participated in senior Maggie's psychological micro-film


Conducted a sociological study at school - the reasons behind the fear of marriage and childbirth among post-2000s and suggestions for China's three-child policy.


Participated in a sociological and psychological interdisciplinary project: "The Source and Prevention of Stress-induced Abnormal Behavior - Social and Psychological Disabilities in Different Cultural Backgrounds," I received a letter of recommendation from a professor, and published my first paper.


Participated in a sociological and psychological interdisciplinary project: "The Source and Prevention of Stress-induced Abnormal Behavior - Social and Psychological Disabilities in Different Cultural Backgrounds"


Participated in a sociological and psychological interdisciplinary project: "The Source and Prevention of Stress-induced Abnormal Behavior - Social and Psychological Disabilities in Different Cultural Backgrounds," received a letter of recommendation from a professor, and published my first paper.


Qinhuangdao Teaching Experience: Sending Snacks to Children During the Pandemic


Two Offline Teaching Experiences, One with Friends and One with Family

From "Complete Rejection" to "Abundant Harvest"



During the college application season, I submitted applications to 17 universities and received admission letters from the University of Washington, New York University, the University of California, Santa Barbara, Davis, Irvine, and others.


These schools were decided upon through discussions with my school teachers: first, considering the major I wanted to study, and second, considering the school environment, geographical location, and cultural environment.


Screenshots of Some of the Offers Received


Although it may seem that I received many admission letters, in fact, I also went through the process of "full rejection": during the Early Decision (ED) phase, I applied to several universities but was rejected by all of them. By February, I only had two safety school offers, which was my most difficult time. From "full rejection" to "harvest full," this can be said to be my happiest moment, experiencing a huge psychological transformation.

回想申请季,我的感受是有喜悦,但更有差距。虽然收到了非常不错的大学录取,但更有心中的dream school在ED阶段就拒绝了我。可是人生啊,就是常会有遗憾,也会在遗憾中成长。回头看,我并不后悔做出的决定,我满意现在的录取结果。

Looking back at the application season, my feelings are a mix of joy and disparity. Although I received very good university admissions, there is still a dream school in my heart that rejected me during the ED phase. But life is like that, there will always be regrets, and we grow in those regrets. Looking back, I have no regrets about the decisions I made, and I am satisfied with the current admission results.


Facing the future, a quote from Haruki Murakami might be the best expression:


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