
法拉古特人物志 l 我与波士顿大学的缘分,要从2019年说起...

发布者:法拉古特 2024-04-30 08:50:04

Sydney Li,



Sydney Li,

a graduate of the class of 2024 at Farragut,

has been admitted to Boston University through the Early Decision 2 (ED2) process.


We bring you the story of Sydney, a young student who has been connected to the city of Boston for five years and has successfully been admitted to Boston University. From arriving at Farragut to leaving Farragut, he has achieved the goals he set for himself.


Let's delve into this inspiring tale of dreams turned reality.

Choosing Farragut



Upon graduating from junior high, my family and I began to seriously explore an international educational path. Several factors influenced our decision to pursue international education. We highly value the general education system of overseas universities, especially in the United States. Additionally, we appreciate the holistic and process-oriented assessment methods employed by international schools. Moreover, I believe that international education aligns better with my personality and strengths: I am quite active, have good expressive abilities, and am eager to have the opportunity to exercise personal leadership.


When we came to Farragut and learned more about the advantages of applying to American high schools and the curriculum setup, my family and I decided to choose the American direction as my course of study in high school.


According to our understanding,this school has been ranked first in the Tianjin international school rankings for undergraduate university application results in the direction of American undergraduate studies for many consecutive years. The curriculum closely mirrors that of American high schools and is well-suited to prepare students for future academic endeavors in the U.S. Naturally, what most impressed me was the location. Situated in the Heping District, Farragut offered a richer and more flexible schedule for after-school study and leisure.


After arriving at Farragut, I felt the student-centered characteristics of education and teaching here. Over these three years, teachers, especially classmates, have given a lot of support and help. I deeply feel that without their dedication and help, I would not have received the admission from Boston University.


SP grade,physics class


When it comes to the academic uniqueness and highlights of Farragut, the first is that the courses we offer are quite comprehensive. I appreciate the tiered teaching system here, which allows every student to find a learning level and content that suits them best. Personally, since my initial application wasn't related to biochemistry, I opted for the Standard chemistry course.This saves me a lot of time


Small class teaching provides me, as a student who enjoys engaging in the classroom and finds joy in communicating with teachers, with more opportunities to participate. This fits exactly with my expectations when I was studying in an international high school: to express myself. Small class teaching effectively narrows the distance between me and the teacher. If there is a problem or an idea, as long as it does not affect the teacher's teaching, I like to ask questions in class and interact with the teacher.


My classmates and I are together


First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my classmates. A few of us guys spend a lot of time together, both in and out of class. For example, before exams, we will make an appointment to review together at a coffee shop near the school; we will apply to establish our own clubs and recruit students to join the club together in high school club activities. To describe our relationship succinctly, we cooperate, motivate, learn from, and challenge each other.


My classmates and I are together, in every corner of the campus


We have completed many "initiatives" together. For example, I created the first photography club in the school, and in the second year, another student and I jointly completed the club upgrade and transformation 2.0: the Visual and Literary Arts Club. I joined the student council and worked with my classmates to plan and implement campus activities such as the Halloween Carnival, the school badminton competition, and the Thanksgiving charity sale.



Sophomore year, standing in front of the podium, at the photography club I created, sharing photography stories with friends.


Sophomore year, together with senior students, for the school photography competition


Sophomore year, with CTB group students.


Junior year, singing together with classmates and graduates at the senior graduation ceremony


Junior year, a candid shot of the Visual and Literary Arts Club activity: I was filming and introducing Gordon Hall (upper left), conducting impromptu interviews to gauge public understanding of modern concession history, which helped shape the club's future direction (upper right), collecting a lot of local and official historical materials of Tianjin (lower left) and finally integrating them into a simple website prototype (lower right).


Senior year, a group photo with classmates before the school concert


Senior year, performing "Hamilton" at the school concert.


Senior year, serving as a referee at the school badminton competition.


Being with classmates who have different interests and hobbies at different activities, I continuously increase my knowledge and strive to learn from their strengths and improve myself.

The Secret to Study Well



A strong academic performance certainly cannot be separated from effective study methods. For me, explaining problems to classmates is a great method. During high school, I took a statistics course outside of school for a while in advance. After class, when classmates asked me about statistics, I was particularly willing to explain the problems to them, which also further consolidated the knowledge I learned.


Some in-class notes are displayed.


In fact, achieving a high GPA isn't about secrets but about consistent effort. Homework must be completed on time, and it is essential to review well before small tests. With foreign teachers,due to differences in expression and understanding or thinking, misunderstandings may arise, and it is even more necessary for us to communicate in time to avoid deepening the misunderstandings.Midterm and final exams consistent preparation throughout the term is key, rather than last-minute cramming. 


Certificates of business competitions participated in during high school


Organizing mind maps is a habit I've developed for my daily studies. Whether it is organizing the knowledge points after class or reviewing before an exam, I will organize a mind map for each subject. Mind maps allow me to quickly sort out the key knowledge points and give me new ideas when reviewing, leading to a new understanding of the entire subject. I also use this method in many of my own projects, such as my project on the oral history of urban immigrants. In the early stage, I used the mind map method to list all the phenomena of urban immigrants and the corresponding research directions that can be developed, and then select feasible directions. This method makes my plans very clear and effective in the early stage of each project. It can be said that this habit has benefited me greatly.


A simple mind map helps me clarify my thoughts.


I frequently visit the Tianjin Library in the Hexi District. The quiet and immersive study and reading atmosphere of the library gives me better motivation for learning, allowing me to complete academic tasks more efficiently. Even if I am tired of studying and lie on the grass for an afternoon, it is also a very beautiful memory for me.

2019,The fate journey to BU



A glimpse of the city of Boston, photographed by Sydney.


In 2019, my family and I went on a trip to the eastern United States. It was my first time stepping on the city of Boston, and it was also my first time visiting Boston University.


The young man at that time never thought that one day he would really belong to this school.


When my family and I were touring by the Charles River, we met an elderly Chinese professor who shared insights into Boston University's history and his own experiences in both life and academic research there. From that time on, I planted the dream of applying and studying in this beautiful campus in my heart.


After starting to apply to Boston University, my understanding of this university became more comprehensive: the academic atmosphere, humanistic atmosphere, environment, geographical location, and the unique resources it has made me recall that trip to the eastern United States. I also learned more about the campus life and academic programs here. I think this is a very suitable place for studying, and of course, it is also very suitable for living.


On the first day of the Chinese New Year, my sleepy eyes were awakened by my excited father who was the first to check the admission results! I was admitted to Boston University! The Spring Festival + admission, this Chinese New Year in 2024 is extremely important in my life, and it has given this five-year connection the most perfect result! I am about to go to Boston to study my favorite major, sociology.


My interests and hobbies are extensive, and I enjoy learning and exploring knowledge across various disciplines. In my view, sociology is the most suitable major for me: it is a comprehensive major that can learn how to solve social problems with one's own strength, which perfectly suits my taste! I can't wait to fully engage and make the most of my college experience!


Here are some of my personal photography works



Home is the harbor. No matter how rough the waves are outside, home will always be my shelter. I am very grateful to my parents for their education, which has given me the positive character and qualities that I have now.


Steve Jobs has always been my idol, and I have been deeply influenced by him since I was very young. I have watched many of his press conferences, speeches, and interviews.

无论是他从牛仔裤的小口袋中掏出iPod mini, 还是将第一代macbook air装进纸袋中,或者是演示第一代iPhone的多点触控技术,我无数次被他独特的人格魅力吸引。无论是在创办苹果电脑之初,还是在被逐出公司后又重返巅峰,乔布斯都始终坚守自己的初心,才给这个世界带来了如此多惊艳的产品。

Whether it was him pulling the iPod mini out of the small pocket of his jeans, or putting the first-generation MacBook Air into a paper bag, or demonstrating the multi-touch technology of the first-generation iPhone, I was drawn to his unique personal charm countless times. He always firmly believes in his own ideas and goals, undaunted by difficulties and dangers, and will persist in the end as long as he is determined. Whether it was at the beginning of founding Apple Computer, or after being expelled from the company and then returning to the peak, Jobs always adhered to his original intention and brought so many amazing products to this world.


In fact, during my high school career and college planning, I also encountered a lot of doubts and denials, but he made me realize that daring to try new things often brings great benefits.


In April 1974, the 19-year-old Jobs went to India and started his seven-month spiritual practice.


When Jobs was confused, he went to India for spiritual practice to seek answers to life's questions; he had studied calligraphy in college, which laid the foundation for the aesthetic design inspirations of the subsequent products; he also pioneered the 3D animated film industry, indirectly allowing himself to return to Apple... 


He was always learning new things, constantly generating new ideas, and continuously seizing any opportunity to grow. This attitude towards life also runs through my high school career. 


In these three years, I have tried many things I have never done before, learned knowledge in different fields, and mastered different abilities. For me, nothing is futile, useless, or a waste of time. Instead, in each attempt and failure, I can always learn a lot.


At the end of the interview, he said to himself——


 "Everyone has witnessed your growth over the three years of high school.  What you need to do is to be down-to-earth and learn what you should learn, make full use of the resources in college,do your best to seize the opportunities in front of you. Keep going! Your future is limitless!"


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