
Inter-School Badminton Competition|东莞ASJ学子参与2024粤港中学校际羽毛球邀请赛

发布者:ASJ 东莞暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-05-14 08:45:30

Inter-School Invitational 

Badminton Competition 2024


To strengthen inter-school exchanges between Guangdong and Hong Kong secondary schools and to promote sports exchanges among secondary school students in the Greater Bay Area, the "Guangdong-Hong Kong Inter-School Invitational Badminton Competition 2024" ("The Competition") was held at Jinan University (Shipai Campus) on 11 May. The competition was organised by the Office of Basic Education of Jinan University, hosted by ASJ (Guangzhou) and supported by the College of Physical Education of Jinan University.


There were 12 primary and secondary schools in the GBA, including 3 ASJ schools, with over 80 students participating in the competition, including 6 students from ASJ (Dongguan).


At the opening ceremony, the second-level researcher of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of Guangzhou Education Bureau, Mr. Mian HUANG, said that Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have the same roots, and the Guangzhou Education Bureau is committed to building a sister school exchange platform for young students in the GBA. This competition is a special event for Guangdong and Hong Kong youth to integrate and exchange, and the outstanding youth athletes of the two places compete on the same field to strengthen mutual understanding.


The students of ASJ (Dongguan) demonstrated their unparalleled strength and confidence in this competition. Not only did they compete with the outstanding badminton players from many secondary schools in Guangdong and Hong Kong, but they also had the honour of teaming up with national champion Mr. Yun-xi TAN and national level athlete Mr. Pei-jiang ZHONG to play an exciting doubles exhibition match, which created many wonderful memories of the competition.




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